There are scenarios when you work with DVCS (like [Mercurial]( or [Git]( and CDbMessageSource. To my experience keeping the development database and production database in sync can be very...
There are scenarios when you work with DVCS (like [Mercurial]( or [Git]( and CDbMessageSource. To my experience keeping the development database and production database in sync can be very...
Yesterday I've written a module for myself. Just an experiment. When I was feeling satisfied, I've created a repository on github, and pushed my code. My module and yii are on github. So I'll show you a "new" way to start our yii projects.
Here is my experiment inspired by my own question and others from the forum.
In this mini howto I would like to show how to add a required captcha field in the login form, after a defined number of unsuccessfull attempts. To do this, I will use the blog demo that you have in default Yii download package (path/to/yii/demos/blog).
I needed a csv export function for my cgridview and I wanted to export the entire result set of the sorted and filtered cgridview the user was viewing via ajax.
This article discusses the installation/configuration of the YiiBash project (
Let's say our table 'mug' has a column named 'color' of the type ENUM('red','green','blue').
We want to replace the textfield for the attribute color in the create and update forms of a 'mug' with a Radio Button List, which has the enum values as options.
This is a rewrite of c@cba in the wiki article of [enumDropdownList](http://www...
To use this "how-to", you need to install phing in your machine.
He im giving you a very simple example ie how you can store an image to your blob field in a table.Hope you already familiar with the normal image upload.
This is a simple example of how we can display images in CGridviews.Imagine that you have an image field in your table ie either a location field or a blob type field used to store the images.
Let's say you have an internal messaging system in your webapp, and you want to display messages dynamically and real-time to the relevant recipients.
Remember-filters-gridview is one of the must-use extension on all of my project. However, it lacks of storing the page and sort variables of the grid view.
When you're finished following this article, you'll have a website that integrates WordPress and Yii routes in under one path. For example, you can setup /widgets and /customers to point to Yii controllers and /about-us, /contact-us, /blog/* and /faq pointing to WordPress pages.
This solution requires Yii 1.1.9 or above
class Post extends CActiveRecord {
When you list Authors in grid you would like to print the count of posts in column, allow sorting on this column and probably filtering by the count.
We can use a CJuiDatePicker for a CGridView inline filter.
Since version 5.4 PHP can work as a simple webserver so you can develop Yii applications without installing Apache. That's how to use it:
In addition to the opcode cache, APC can also serve as a user cache for Yii via [CApcCache]. It should be noted that this will make APC's memory needs less predictable.
If you like the things to be short and clear, then you can skip right to a short summary of instructions at the end of this article.
This widget will show a Facebook "like" button and "comments" box together with "tweet" button and "google plusone" button on your page.