I needed a csv export function for my cgridview and I wanted to export the entire result set of the sorted and filtered cgridview the user was viewing via ajax.
This reuses the search method so you don't have to rewrite any of your complex criteria or sort code.
I was not using ajaxupdate on the cgridview. IF you are then you need to change the view logic to send those params.
NOTE: Change "searchRailcars" and "TrainCars" for your respective page name and model
list($url, $getParams) = explode("searchRailcars", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); //will split the url to return all the get params aftert the r param
<a href="<?php echo url('/rip/search/csvRailcars'.$getParams); ?>">CSV Export</a>
public function search($pagination = array( 'pageSize'=>20) ){ //edited to set pagination
//the criteria and sort logic
return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array('criteria' => $criteria,
} //end func
public function actionCsvRailcars(){
header('Content-type: text/csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="centrico-RIP-Railcars-' . date('YmdHi') .'.csv"');
$model=new TrainCars('search');
$model->unsetAttributes(); // clear any default values
if(isset($_GET['TrainCars'])) $model->attributes=$_GET['TrainCars'];
$dataProvider = $model->search(false);
//csv header
echo TrainCars::model()->getAttributeLabel("beginTime_n").",". TrainCars::model()->getAttributeLabel("endTime_n").",". TrainCars::model()->getAttributeLabel("sequence_n")." \r\n";
foreach ($dataProvider->getData() as $data)
echo "$data->beginTime_n,$data->endTime_n, $data->sequence_n \r\n";
Here are several suggestions on potential enhancements of this wiki page:
will return a CDataProvider or an array(). This is inconsistent and may lead to errors.search($page=25)
with no pagination when the parameter$page
is false.echo
but the official PHP function fputcsv. Without this it would break on content like « "my,punctuation;" ».Sorry if I sound negative. If you feel like it, I'd be glad to provide explanations on any point I mentioned.
Re: Suggestions
I appreciate your suggestions.
Re: Suggestions
XSS: It's still there and could lead to session hijacking or similar treats. Here is a link about XSS: OWASP, and shamelessly my own wiki page.
See what would happen if someone puts a link (or an image's src) toward your page with an URL like
.Fixing this isn't obvious as you can't simply escape the URL part. In another wiki page, someone used JS for this. Another way would be to add a form with submit buttons wrapping the CGridView. You could also use a mix of
to create a static link.$page
parameter: sorry, my bad. I thought it was part of the official template, but it's only in my custom one.I still dislike the way your method returns results of different types depending on the
param. Why don't you use a CActiveDataProvider with the config'pagination' => false
?Validation: you're using non-validated user input to build your criteria in the line
$dataProvider = $model->search(true);
. This is dangerous. BTW, as I wrote above,$dataProvider
is an array in this case, not an instance of CDataProvider, and I think this is very confusing.RE:Suggestions
XSS: I'm still unsure how what I am doing is any different than what yii does by default with the cgridview not using ajax.
Page Parameter: I agree Ill edit it to change to that. I read through the forums and someone said you couldnt get the entire result set back, you had to use cactiverecord.
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