Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz)'s profile
Username | Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz) |
Overall Rating | 719 (ranked as No. 5 among 544445 members) |
Member Since | Feb 21, 2011, 4:00:25 PM |
Forum Posts | 1361 (view forum profile) |
Extensions | 5 |
Wiki Articles | 36 |
Comments | 90 |
Wiki Articles
- Insert data from database to another database table
- Save or Update Multiple related model values in one Tabular input form
- "safe" and "unsafe" Model validators (massive assignments)
- A very easy way to setup yiic on WAMP server (without extra windows settings)
- Activate captcha after unsuccessful login attempts
- Add model validator in Controller
- Advanced CGridview issues - custom button using php and html
- Check online users / set specific user offline
- ClientValidation for files (modern browsers)
- CSqlDataProvider in CGridView
- Custom column in TbGridView with icon by condition, find out icon class glyphicons easy (YiiBooster)
- custom sql query results to CDetailView
- Find geolocation info of client through another API
- Generate a multi-lever array sub-category for a menu
- Generate CTreeview from database table and update a model
- Insert a model record using CGridview
- Make an ajax request to another server using JSONP
- Make the authentication more securely
- Migration the database schema to another one
- model rules depended by user roles-permissions
- multiple CActiveDataProviders in one CGridView
- Popup AJAX DialogBox without any extension
- Remove Byte Order Mark (BOM) from files recursively
- Save uploaded file with any filename characters
- Set a menu - reusable code
- shortcut/usefull access roles methods RBAC
- Sort and save order of model-elements drag & drop
- Take more control of CGridview and model searching (related model or another controller)
- thumbsgen and Kohana Image Library together (extends an extension)
- two or more different collected data in one CGridView
- Update a part of content using AJAX when select a GridView row
- Update CGridview row separately using ajax request
- Update related models of a model using listBox and checkBoxList in the form
- Update specific cgridview html row after AJAX request
- using editors of yiibooster - fix issues - configuration
- Visualization tree-multi subcategories as listbox or dropdownlist