Multiple files uploader with CMultiFileUpload

Today I will show you how to handle multiple file upload step by step.

In your controller.

public function actionCreate()

        $model = new Photo;
        // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
        // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
        $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : 'post';

        if (isset($_POST['Photo'])) {

            $model->attributes = $_POST['Photo'];

            $photos = CUploadedFile::getInstancesByName('Photo[photos]');
            // proceed if the images have been set
            if (isset($photos) && count($photos) > 0) {
                // go through each uploaded image
                foreach ($photos as $image => $pic) {
                    echo $pic->name.'<br />';
                    if ($pic->saveAs(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot').'/photos/path/'.$pic->name)) {
                        // add it to the main model now
                        $img_add = new Photo();
                        $img_add->filename = $pic->name; //it might be $img_add->name for you, filename is just what I chose to call it in my model
                        $img_add->topic_id = $model->id; // this links your picture model to the main model (like your user, or profile model)
                        $img_add->save(); // DONE
                        echo 'Cannot upload!'

            if ($model->save())
                $this->redirect(array('update', 'id' => $model->id));
        $this->render('create', array(
            'model' => $model,



In your view:

  $this->widget('CMultiFileUpload', array(
        // 'onFileSelect'=>'function(e, v, m){ alert("onFileSelect - "+v) }',
        // 'afterFileSelect'=>'function(e, v, m){ alert("afterFileSelect - "+v) }',
        // 'onFileAppend'=>'function(e, v, m){ alert("onFileAppend - "+v) }',
        // 'afterFileAppend'=>'function(e, v, m){ alert("afterFileAppend - "+v) }',
        // 'onFileRemove'=>'function(e, v, m){ alert("onFileRemove - "+v) }',
        // 'afterFileRemove'=>'function(e, v, m){ alert("afterFileRemove - "+v) }',
     'denied'=>'File is not allowed',
     'max'=>10, // max 10 files



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Viewed: 282 151 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Written by: Interboy
Last updated by: samdark
Created on: Sep 27, 2013
Last updated: 5 years ago
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