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Please join the party by adding your own favorite Yii programming errors. Be sure to leave at least a hint at the correction.
The missing echo ¶
In the view put:
<h1>Edit item: <?php $model->label; ?></h1>
Now spend your time debugging why $model->label has no value set.
The echo too much ¶
In the view put:
<h1>Edit item: <?php echo $this->widget('CWidget'); ?></h1>
"Object of class CWidget could not be converted to string." A widget may not have an echo.
Rules for numbers ¶
In the model rules() method put:
array('count', 'number', 'integerOnly'=>true),
then try
array('count', 'numeric', 'integerOnly'=>true),
and only then look it up: 'numerical'.
Thanks! I was having one of these errors.
Semicolon error
That's why I tend to search/replace "\n{" in Yii-generated code and reformat it to have the curly brackets always in the end of the line :P
Semicolon error
@Igoru-san good point!
My IDE does that as part of reformatting to PSR-2, so I don't have to search-replace. (Also inserting a missing {} around the iterated instruction if necessary.)
It also highlights this error on the screen via it's static code inspections.
All in all, with a good IDE like PhpStorm, my code quality is better and I finish it faster.
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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