This extension generates thumbnails by images jpg/jpeg, png or gif format. There are many parameters like width,height, source, destination folder etc that you can manage
Requirements ¶
Developed and tested with Yii 1.1.12 but may working with older versions too. GD library PHP
Usage ¶
1) Extract archive in your extensions folder 2) In the site root create a folder named "images" if it not exist and extract your images
3) in components part of config/main.php put this code
'ThumbsGen' => array(
'class' => 'application.extensions.ThumbsGen.ThumbsGen',
Alternatively you could put this code in your controller that have to generate the thumbnails
Yii::app()->setComponents(array('ThumbsGen' => array(
'class' => 'ext.ThumbsGen.ThumbsGen',
4) Now you can generate the thumbnails in Controller by this code
5) If you want to get the full pathname of thumbnails in array, call
Notes: You could use this components with full parameters issue (initialize):
Yii::app()->setComponents(array('ThumbsGen' => array(
'class' => 'ext.ThumbsGen.ThumbsGen',
'scaleResize' => null, //if it is not null $thumbWidth and $thumbHeight will be ommited. for example 'scaleResize'=>0.5 generate image with half dimension
//one of $thumbWidth or $thumbHeight is optional but not both!
'thumbWidth' => 200, //the width of created thumbnail on pixel. if height is null the aspect ratio will be reserved
'thumbHeight' => null, //the height of created thumbnail on pixel. if width is null the aspect ratio will be reserved
'baseSourceDir' => Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.images'), //the main direcory of source images. if set to null the destination dir is the <webroot>/images
'baseDestDir' => Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.images.thumbs'), //the main direcory of thumbnails. if set to null the destination dir is the <webroot>/images/thumbs
'postFixThumbName' => '_thumb', //the postfix name of thumbnail for example if it set = '_thumb' then image1.jpg become image1_thumb.jpg
'nameImages' => array('*'), //the names of images into $baseSourceDir, for example ('01.jpg','03.jpg'). the asterisk means all files jpg/jpeg, png or gif
'recreate' => true, //force to create each thumbnail either exist or not, when is set to false the tumbnails created only in the first time
scaleResize: if it is not null $thumbWidth and $thumbHeight will be ommited. for example scaleResize'=>0.5 generate image with half dimension
thumbWidth: the width of created thumbnail on pixel. if height is null the aspect ratio will be reserved
thumbHeight: the height of created thumbnail on pixel. if width is null the aspect ratio will be reserved
baseSourceDir: the main direcory of source images. if set to null the destination dir is the /images
baseDestDir: the main direcory of thumbnails. if set to null the destination dir is the /images/thumbs
postFixThumbName: the postfix name of thumbnail for example if it set = '_thumb' then image1.jpg become image1_thumb.jpg
nameImages: the names of images into $baseSourceDir, for example ('01.jpg','03.jpg'). the asterisk means all files jpg/jpeg, png or gif
recreate: force to create each thumbnail either exist or not, when is set to false the tumbnails created only in the first time
How to create Thumbnail of uploaded folder ?
can u please provide code for creation of Thumbnail of uploaded image and then save the thumbnail image in desired folder
How to save Thumbnail of uploaded Folder ?
can u please provide code to save the thumbnail image in desired folder
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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