Class yii\debug\panels\DbPanel

Inheritanceyii\debug\panels\DbPanel » yii\debug\Panel » yii\base\Component
Available since extension's version2.0
Source Code

Debugger panel that collects and displays database queries performed.

Public Properties

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Property Type Description Defined By
$actions array Array of actions to add to the debug modules default controller. yii\debug\Panel
$criticalQueryThreshold integer|null The threshold for determining whether the request has involved critical number of DB queries. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
$data mixed Data associated with panel yii\debug\Panel
$db string The name of the database component to use for executing (explain) queries yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
$dbEventNames array Of event names used to get profile logs. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
$defaultFilter array The default filter to apply to the database queries. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
$defaultOrder array The default ordering of the database queries. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
$detail string Content that is displayed in debugger detail view. yii\debug\Panel
$error yii\debug\FlattenException|null Error while saving the panel yii\debug\Panel
$excessiveCallerThreshold integer|null The number of DB calls the same backtrace can make before considered an "Excessive Caller". yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
$excessiveCallers array The number of DB calls indexed by the backtrace hash of excessive caller(s). yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
$id string Panel unique identifier. yii\debug\Panel
$ignoredPathsInBacktrace string[] The files and/or paths defined here will be ignored in the determination of DB "Callers". yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
$module yii\debug\Module yii\debug\Panel
$name string Name of the panel. yii\debug\Panel
$profileLogs array yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
$summary string Content that is displayed at debug toolbar. yii\debug\Panel
$summaryName string Short name of the panel, which will be use in summary. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
$tag string Request data set identifier. yii\debug\Panel
$url string URL pointing to panel detail view. yii\debug\Panel

Protected Properties

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Property Type Description Defined By

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
calculateTimings() Calculates given request profile timings. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
canBeExplained() Check if given query type can be explained. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
countCallerCals() Counts the number of times the same backtrace makes a DB query. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
countDuplicateQuery() Return associative array, where key is query string and value is number of occurrences the same query in array. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
generateQueryCallersDataProvider() Creates an ArrayDataProvider for the DB query callers. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getDb() Returns a reference to the DB component associated with the panel yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getDetail() yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getError() yii\debug\Panel
getExcessiveCallers() Get the backtrace hashes that make excessive DB cals. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getExcessiveCallersCount() Get the number of excessive caller(s). yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getName() yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getProfileLogs() Returns all profile logs of the current request for this panel. It includes categories specified in $this->dbEventNames property. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getSummary() yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getSummaryName() yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getTraceLine() Returns a trace line yii\debug\Panel
getTypes() Returns array query types yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getUrl() yii\debug\Panel
hasError() yii\debug\Panel
init() yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
isEnabled() Checks whether this panel is enabled. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
isNumberOfCallsExcessive() Check if the number of calls by "Caller" is excessive according to the settings. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
isQueryCountCritical() Check if given queries count is critical according to the settings. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
load() Loads data into the panel yii\debug\Panel
save() Saves data to be later used in debugger detail view. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
setError() yii\debug\Panel
sumDuplicateQueries() Returns sum of all duplicated queries yii\debug\panels\DbPanel

Protected Methods

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Method Description Defined By
getLogMessages() Gets messages from log target and filters according to their categories and levels. yii\debug\Panel
getModels() Returns an array of models that represents logs of the current request. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getQueryType() Returns database query type. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
getTotalQueryTime() Returns total query time. yii\debug\panels\DbPanel
hasExplain() yii\debug\panels\DbPanel

Property Details

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$criticalQueryThreshold public property

The threshold for determining whether the request has involved critical number of DB queries. If the number of queries exceeds this number, the execution is considered taking critical number of DB queries. If it is null, this feature is disabled.

$db public property

The name of the database component to use for executing (explain) queries

public string $db 'db'
$dbEventNames public property (available since version 2.1.17)

Of event names used to get profile logs.

public array $dbEventNames = [
$defaultFilter public property (available since version 2.0.7)

The default filter to apply to the database queries. In the format of [ property => value ], for example: [ 'type' => 'SELECT' ]

public array $defaultFilter = []
$defaultOrder public property (available since version 2.0.7)

The default ordering of the database queries. In the format of [ property => sort direction ], for example: [ 'duration' => SORT_DESC ]

public array $defaultOrder = [
'seq' => SORT_ASC,
$excessiveCallerThreshold public property (available since version 2.1.23)

The number of DB calls the same backtrace can make before considered an "Excessive Caller". If it is null, this feature is disabled. Note: Changes will only be reflected in new requests.

$excessiveCallers public property

The number of DB calls indexed by the backtrace hash of excessive caller(s).

public array $excessiveCallers null
$ignoredPathsInBacktrace public property (available since version 2.1.23)

The files and/or paths defined here will be ignored in the determination of DB "Callers". The "Caller" is the backtrace lines that aren't included in the $ignoredPathsInBacktrace, Yii files are ignored by default. Hint: You can use path aliases here.

$profileLogs public property
public array $profileLogs null
$summaryName public property

Short name of the panel, which will be use in summary.

public string $summaryName null

Method Details

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calculateTimings() public method

Calculates given request profile timings.

public array calculateTimings ( )
return array

Timings [token, category, timestamp, traces, nesting level, elapsed time]

                public function calculateTimings()
    if ($this->_timings === null) {
        $this->_timings = Yii::getLogger()->calculateTimings(isset($this->data['messages']) ? $this->data['messages'] : $this->getProfileLogs());
        // Parse aliases
        $ignoredPathsInBacktrace = array_map(
            function($path) {
                return Yii::getAlias($path);
        // Generate hash for caller
        $hashAlgo = in_array('xxh3', hash_algos()) ? 'xxh3' : 'crc32';
        foreach ($this->_timings as &$timing) {
            if ($ignoredPathsInBacktrace) {
                foreach ($timing['trace'] as $index => $trace) {
                    foreach ($ignoredPathsInBacktrace as $ignoredPathInBacktrace) {
                        if (isset($trace['file']) && strpos($trace['file'], $ignoredPathInBacktrace) === 0) {
            $timing['traceHash'] = hash($hashAlgo, json_encode($timing['trace']));
    return $this->_timings;

canBeExplained() public static method (available since version 2.0.5)

Check if given query type can be explained.

public static boolean canBeExplained ( $type )
$type string

Query type

                public static function canBeExplained($type)
    return $type !== 'SHOW';

countCallerCals() public method (available since version 2.1.23)

Counts the number of times the same backtrace makes a DB query.

public array countCallerCals ( )
return array

The number of DB calls indexed by the backtrace hash of the caller.

                public function countCallerCals()
    $query = ArrayHelper::getColumn($this->calculateTimings(), 'traceHash');
    return array_count_values($query);

countDuplicateQuery() public method (available since version 2.0.13)

Return associative array, where key is query string and value is number of occurrences the same query in array.

public array countDuplicateQuery ( $timings )

                public function countDuplicateQuery($timings)
    $query = ArrayHelper::getColumn($timings, 'info');
    return array_count_values($query);

generateQueryCallersDataProvider() public method (available since version 2.1.23)

Creates an ArrayDataProvider for the DB query callers.

public \yii\data\ArrayDataProvider generateQueryCallersDataProvider ( $modelData )
$modelData array

                public function generateQueryCallersDataProvider($modelData)
    $callers = [];
    foreach ($modelData as $data) {
        if (!array_key_exists($data['traceHash'], $callers)) {
            $callers[$data['traceHash']] = [
                'trace' => $data['trace'],
                'numCalls' => 0,
                'totalDuration' => 0,
                'queries' => []
        $callers[$data['traceHash']]['numCalls'] += 1;
        $callers[$data['traceHash']]['totalDuration'] += $data['duration'];
        $callers[$data['traceHash']]['queries'][] = [
            'timestamp' => $data['timestamp'],
            'duration' => $data['duration'],
            'query' => $data['query'],
            'type' => $data['type'],
            'seq' => $data['seq'],
    return new ArrayDataProvider([
        'allModels' => $callers,
        'pagination' => false,
        'sort' => [
            'attributes' => ['numCalls', 'totalDuration'],
            'defaultOrder' => ['numCalls' => SORT_DESC],

getDb() public method (available since version 2.0.5)

Returns a reference to the DB component associated with the panel

public \yii\db\Connection getDb ( )
throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException

                public function getDb()
    return Yii::$app->get($this->db);

getDetail() public method

public string getDetail ( )
return string

Content that is displayed in debugger detail view

throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException

                public function getDetail()
    $searchModel = new Db();
    if (!$searchModel->load(Yii::$app->request->getQueryParams())) {
        $searchModel->load($this->defaultFilter, '');
    $models = $this->getModels();
    $queryDataProvider = $searchModel->search($models);
    $queryDataProvider->getSort()->defaultOrder = $this->defaultOrder;
    $sumDuplicates = $this->sumDuplicateQueries($models);
    $callerDataProvider = $this->generateQueryCallersDataProvider($models);
    return Yii::$app->view->render('panels/db/detail', [
        'panel' => $this,
        'queryDataProvider' => $queryDataProvider,
        'callerDataProvider' => $callerDataProvider,
        'searchModel' => $searchModel,
        'hasExplain' => $this->hasExplain(),
        'sumDuplicates' => $sumDuplicates,

getError() public method (available since version 2.0.10)
public yii\debug\FlattenException|null getError ( )

                public function getError()
    return $this->error;

getExcessiveCallers() public method (available since version 2.1.23)

Get the backtrace hashes that make excessive DB cals.

public array getExcessiveCallers ( )
return array

The number of DB calls indexed by the backtrace hash of excessive caller(s).

                public function getExcessiveCallers()
    if ($this->excessiveCallerThreshold === null) {
        return [];
    return array_filter(
        function ($count) {
            return $count >= $this->excessiveCallerThreshold;

getExcessiveCallersCount() public method (available since version 2.1.23)

Get the number of excessive caller(s).

public integer getExcessiveCallersCount ( )

                public function getExcessiveCallersCount()
    return count($this->getExcessiveCallers());

getLogMessages() protected method (available since version 2.1.4)

Defined in: yii\debug\Panel::getLogMessages()

Gets messages from log target and filters according to their categories and levels.

See also \yii\log\Target::filterMessages().

protected array getLogMessages ( $levels 0, $categories = [], $except = [], $stringify false )
$levels integer

The message levels to filter by. This is a bitmap of level values. Value 0 means allowing all levels.

$categories array

The message categories to filter by. If empty, it means all categories are allowed.

$except array

The message categories to exclude. If empty, it means all categories are allowed.

$stringify boolean

Convert non-string (such as closures) to strings

return array

The filtered messages.

                protected function getLogMessages($levels = 0, $categories = [], $except = [], $stringify = false)
    $target = $this->module->logTarget;
    $messages = $target->filterMessages($target->messages, $levels, $categories, $except);
    if (!$stringify) {
        return $messages;
    foreach ($messages as &$message) {
        if (!isset($message[0]) || is_string($message[0])) {
        // exceptions may not be serializable if in the call stack somewhere is a Closure
        if ($message[0] instanceof \Throwable || $message[0] instanceof \Exception) {
            $message[0] = (string) $message[0];
        } else {
            $message[0] = VarDumper::export($message[0]);
    return $messages;

getModels() protected method

Returns an array of models that represents logs of the current request.

Can be used with data providers such as \yii\data\ArrayDataProvider.

protected array getModels ( )
return array


                protected function getModels()
    if ($this->_models === null) {
        $this->_models = [];
        $timings = $this->calculateTimings();
        $duplicates = $this->countDuplicateQuery($timings);
        foreach ($timings as $seq => $dbTiming) {
            $this->_models[] = [
                'type' => $this->getQueryType($dbTiming['info']),
                'query' => $dbTiming['info'],
                'duration' => ($dbTiming['duration'] * 1000), // in milliseconds
                'trace' => $dbTiming['trace'],
                'traceHash' => $dbTiming['traceHash'],
                'timestamp' => ($dbTiming['timestamp'] * 1000), // in milliseconds
                'seq' => $seq,
                'duplicate' => $duplicates[$dbTiming['info']],
    return $this->_models;

getName() public method

public string getName ( )
return string

Name of the panel

                public function getName()
    return 'Database';

getProfileLogs() public method

Returns all profile logs of the current request for this panel. It includes categories specified in $this->dbEventNames property.

public array getProfileLogs ( )

                public function getProfileLogs()
    if ($this->_profileLogs === null) {
        $this->_profileLogs = $this->getLogMessages(Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE, $this->dbEventNames);
    return $this->_profileLogs;

getQueryType() protected method

Returns database query type.

protected string getQueryType ( $timing )
$timing string

Timing procedure string

return string

Query type such as select, insert, delete, etc.

                protected function getQueryType($timing)
    $timing = ltrim($timing);
    preg_match('/^([a-zA-z]*)/', $timing, $matches);
    return count($matches) ? mb_strtoupper($matches[0], 'utf8') : '';

getSummary() public method

public string getSummary ( )
return string

Content that is displayed at debug toolbar

                public function getSummary()
    $timings = $this->calculateTimings();
    $queryCount = count($timings);
    $queryTime = number_format($this->getTotalQueryTime($timings) * 1000) . ' ms';
    $excessiveCallerCount = $this->getExcessiveCallersCount();
    return Yii::$app->view->render('panels/db/summary', [
        'timings' => $this->calculateTimings(),
        'panel' => $this,
        'queryCount' => $queryCount,
        'queryTime' => $queryTime,
        'excessiveCallerCount' => $excessiveCallerCount,

getSummaryName() public method

public string getSummaryName ( )
return string

Short name of the panel, which will be use in summary.

                public function getSummaryName()
    return 'DB';

getTotalQueryTime() protected method

Returns total query time.

protected integer getTotalQueryTime ( $timings )
$timings array
return integer

Total time

                protected function getTotalQueryTime($timings)
    $queryTime = 0;
    foreach ($timings as $timing) {
        $queryTime += $timing['duration'];
    return $queryTime;

getTraceLine() public method (available since version 2.0.7)

Defined in: yii\debug\Panel::getTraceLine()

Returns a trace line

public string getTraceLine ( $options )
$options array

The array with trace

return string

The trace line

                public function getTraceLine($options)
    if (!isset($options['text'])) {
        $options['text'] = "{$options['file']}:{$options['line']}";
    $traceLine = $this->module->traceLine;
    if ($traceLine === false) {
        return $options['text'];
    $options['file'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $options['file']);
    foreach ($this->module->tracePathMappings as $old => $new) {
        $old = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $old), '/') . '/';
        if (StringHelper::startsWith($options['file'], $old)) {
            $new = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $new), '/') . '/';
            $options['file'] = $new . substr($options['file'], strlen($old));
    $rawLink = $traceLine instanceof \Closure ? $traceLine($options, $this) : $traceLine;
    return strtr($rawLink, ['{file}' => $options['file'], '{line}' => $options['line'], '{text}' => $options['text']]);

getTypes() public method (available since version 2.0.3)

Returns array query types

public array getTypes ( )

                public function getTypes()
    return array_reduce(
        function ($result, $item) {
            $result[$item['type']] = $item['type'];
            return $result;

getUrl() public method
public string getUrl ( $additionalParams null )
$additionalParams null|array

Optional additional parameters to add to the route

return string

URL pointing to panel detail view

                public function getUrl($additionalParams = null)
    $route = [
        '/' . $this->module->getUniqueId() . '/default/view',
        'panel' => $this->id,
        'tag' => $this->tag,
    if (is_array($additionalParams)) {
        $route = ArrayHelper::merge($route, $additionalParams);
    return Url::toRoute($route);

hasError() public method (available since version 2.0.10)
public boolean hasError ( )

                public function hasError()
    return $this->error !== null;

hasExplain() protected method (available since version 2.0.5)

protected boolean hasExplain ( )
return boolean

Whether the DB component has support for EXPLAIN queries

throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException

                protected function hasExplain()
    $db = $this->getDb();
    if (!($db instanceof \yii\db\Connection)) {
        return false;
    switch ($db->getDriverName()) {
        case 'mysql':
        case 'sqlite':
        case 'pgsql':
        case 'cubrid':
            return true;
            return false;

init() public method

public void init ( )

                public function init()
    $this->actions['db-explain'] = [
        'class' => 'yii\\debug\\actions\\db\\ExplainAction',
        'panel' => $this,

isEnabled() public method (available since version 2.0.10)

Checks whether this panel is enabled.

public boolean isEnabled ( )
return boolean

Whether this panel is enabled.

                public function isEnabled()
    try {
    } catch (InvalidConfigException $exception) {
        return false;
    return parent::isEnabled();

isNumberOfCallsExcessive() public method

Check if the number of calls by "Caller" is excessive according to the settings.

public boolean isNumberOfCallsExcessive ( $numCalls )
$numCalls integer

Queries count

                public function isNumberOfCallsExcessive($numCalls)
    return (($this->excessiveCallerThreshold !== null) && ($numCalls > $this->excessiveCallerThreshold));

isQueryCountCritical() public method

Check if given queries count is critical according to the settings.

public boolean isQueryCountCritical ( $count )
$count integer

Queries count

                public function isQueryCountCritical($count)
    return (($this->criticalQueryThreshold !== null) && ($count > $this->criticalQueryThreshold));

load() public method

Defined in: yii\debug\Panel::load()

Loads data into the panel

public void load ( $data )
$data mixed

                public function load($data)
    $this->data = $data;

save() public method

Saves data to be later used in debugger detail view.

This method is called on every page where debugger is enabled.

public mixed save ( )
return mixed

Data to be saved

                public function save()
    return ['messages' => $this->getProfileLogs()];

setError() public method (available since version 2.0.10)
public void setError ( yii\debug\FlattenException $error )
$error yii\debug\FlattenException

                public function setError(FlattenException $error)
    $this->error = $error;

sumDuplicateQueries() public method (available since version 2.0.13)

Returns sum of all duplicated queries

public integer sumDuplicateQueries ( $modelData )

                public function sumDuplicateQueries($modelData)
    $numDuplicates = 0;
    foreach ($modelData as $data) {
        if ($data['duplicate'] > 1) {
    return $numDuplicates;