Class yii\debug\models\router\ActionRoutes

Inheritanceyii\debug\models\router\ActionRoutes » yii\base\Model
Available since extension's version2.1.14
Source Code

ActionRoutes model

Public Properties

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Property Type Description Defined By
$routes array Scanned actions with matching routes yii\debug\models\router\ActionRoutes

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
init() yii\debug\models\router\ActionRoutes

Protected Methods

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Method Description Defined By
getActions() Returns all available actions of the specified controller. yii\debug\models\router\ActionRoutes
getAppRoutes() Returns all available application routes (non-console) grouped by the controller's name. yii\debug\models\router\ActionRoutes
getMatchedCreationRule() Returns the first rule's name that matched given route (for creation) with number of scanned rules. yii\debug\models\router\ActionRoutes
getModuleControllers() Returns available controllers of a specified module. yii\debug\models\router\ActionRoutes
validateControllerClass() Validates if the given class is a valid web or REST controller class. yii\debug\models\router\ActionRoutes

Property Details

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$routes public property

Scanned actions with matching routes

public array $routes = []

Method Details

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getActions() protected method

Returns all available actions of the specified controller.

protected array getActions ( $controller )
$controller ReflectionClass

Reflection of the controller

return array

All available action IDs with optional action class name (for external actions).

                protected function getActions($controller)
    $actions = [];
    $methods = $controller->getMethods();
    foreach ($methods as $method) {
        $name = $method->getName();
        if ($name === 'actions') {
            $actions[] = '__ACTIONS__';
        } elseif ($method->isPublic() && !$method->isStatic() && strncmp($name, 'action', 6) === 0) {
            $actions[] = $name;
    return $actions;

getAppRoutes() protected method

Returns all available application routes (non-console) grouped by the controller's name.

protected array getAppRoutes ( )
throws ReflectionException

                protected function getAppRoutes()
    $controllers = $this->getModuleControllers(Yii::$app);
    $appRoutes = [];
    foreach ($controllers as $controllerId => $controllerClass) {
        if (!class_exists($controllerClass)) {
        $class = new \ReflectionClass($controllerClass);
        if (
            || (!$class->isSubclassOf('yii\web\Controller') && !$class->isSubclassOf('yii\rest\Controller'))
        ) {
        $actions = $this->getActions($class);
        if (count($actions) === 0) {
        $appRoutes[$controllerId] = [
            'class' => $controllerClass,
            'actions' => $actions
    return $appRoutes;

getMatchedCreationRule() protected method

Returns the first rule's name that matched given route (for creation) with number of scanned rules.

protected array getMatchedCreationRule ( $route )
$route string
return array

Rule name (or null if not matched) and number of scanned rules

                protected function getMatchedCreationRule($route)
    $count = 0;
    if (Yii::$app->urlManager instanceof UrlManager && Yii::$app->urlManager->enablePrettyUrl) {
        foreach (Yii::$app->urlManager->rules as $rule) {
            $url = $rule->createUrl(Yii::$app->urlManager, $route, []);
            if ($url !== false) {
                return [$this->getRuleName($rule), $count];
    return [null, $count];

getModuleControllers() protected method

Returns available controllers of a specified module.

protected array getModuleControllers ( $module )
$module \yii\base\Module

The module instance

return array

The available controller IDs and their class names

throws ReflectionException

                protected function getModuleControllers($module)
    $prefix = $module instanceof Application ? '' : $module->getUniqueId() . '/';
    $controllers = [];
    $modules = $module->getModules();
    foreach ($modules as $id => $child) {
        if (($child = $module->getModule($id)) === null) {
        $moduleControllers = $this->getModuleControllers($child);
        foreach ($moduleControllers as $controllerId => $controllerClass) {
            $controllers[$controllerId] = $controllerClass;
    $controllerPath = $module->getControllerPath();
    if (is_dir($controllerPath)) {
        $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(
            new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($controllerPath, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME)
        $iterator = new \RegexIterator($iterator, '/.*Controller\.php$/', \RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
        foreach ($iterator as $matches) {
            $file = $matches[0];
            $relativePath = str_replace($controllerPath, '', $file);
            $class = strtr($relativePath, [
                '/' => '\\',
                '.php' => '',
            $controllerClass = $module->controllerNamespace . $class;
            if ($this->validateControllerClass($controllerClass)) {
                $dir = ltrim(pathinfo($relativePath, PATHINFO_DIRNAME), '\\/');
                $controllerId = Inflector::camel2id(substr(basename($file), 0, -14), '-', true);
                if (!empty($dir)) {
                    $controllerId = $dir . '/' . $controllerId;
                $controllers[$prefix . $controllerId] = $controllerClass;
    // controllerMap takes precedence
    foreach ($module->controllerMap as $controllerId => $controllerConfig) {
        if (is_array($controllerConfig)) {
            if (isset($controllerConfig['class'])) {
                $controllers[$prefix . $controllerId] = $controllerConfig['class'];
            } elseif (isset($controllerConfig['__class'])) {
                $controllers[$prefix . $controllerId] = $controllerConfig['__class'];
        } elseif (is_string($controllerConfig)) {
            $controllers[$prefix . $controllerId] = $controllerConfig;
    return $controllers;

init() public method

public void init ( )

                public function init()
    $appRoutes = $this->getAppRoutes();
    foreach ($appRoutes as $controller => $details) {
        $controllerClass = $details['class'];
        foreach ($details['actions'] as $actionName) {
            if ($actionName === '__ACTIONS__') {
                $name = $controllerClass . '::actions()';
                $route = $controller . '/[external-action]';
                $rule = null;
                $count = 0;
            } else {
                $actionId = substr($actionName, 6);
                $route = $controller . '/' . mb_strtolower(
                        trim(preg_replace('/\p{Lu}/u', '-\0', $actionId), '-'),
                list($rule, $count) = $this->getMatchedCreationRule($route);
                $name = $controllerClass . '::' . $actionName . '()';
            $this->routes[$name] = [
                'route' => $route,
                'rule' => $rule,
                'count' => $count
    if (count($this->routes)) {

validateControllerClass() protected method

Validates if the given class is a valid web or REST controller class.

protected boolean validateControllerClass ( $controllerClass )
$controllerClass string
throws ReflectionException

                protected function validateControllerClass($controllerClass)
    if (class_exists($controllerClass)) {
        $class = new \ReflectionClass($controllerClass);
        return !$class->isAbstract()
            && ($class->isSubclassOf('yii\web\Controller') || $class->isSubclassOf('yii\rest\Controller'));
    return false;