rashedalkhatib/yii2-datatables DataTables widget for Yii2

DataTable Widget

  1. Overview
  2. installation
  3. Usage Example (PHP Widget)
  4. Usage Example (Java Script)
  5. Usage API Side
  6. Feel Free to contact me : alkhatib.rashed@gmail.com


The DataTable widget is used to create interactive and dynamic data tables. The provided JavaScript code demonstrates how to initialize DataTable with server-side processing, custom data handling, and column rendering and with full serverside Export .


in your Yii2 application :
  • Run : `composer require rashedalkhatib/yii2-datatables:1.0.0`
  • go to your `../frontend/assets/AppAsset.php`
    • add rashedalkhatib\datatables\DataTableAsset your $depends array
    • Ex:
              public $depends = [

Usage Example (PHP Widget)

- application side
$searchFormSelector = '#searchForm';
$ajaxUrl = Url::to(['api/yourEndPoint']); // Adjust the URL based on your routes

// Define your DataTable columns
$columns = [
        'title' => 'ID',
        'data' => 'id',
        'visible' => true,
        'render' => new JsExpression('function(data, type, row) {
            return "demo";

// Configure other DataTable parameters
$processing = true;
$serverSide = true;
$pageLength = 10;
$dom = 'Btip';
$buttons = [
        'extend' => 'excel',
        'text' => 'Excel',
        'titleAttr' => 'Excel',
        'action' => new JsExpression('exportAll') // this is required 

// Configure Ajax settings
$ajaxConfig = [
    'url' => $ajaxUrl,
    'bdestroy' => true,
    'type' => 'POST',
    'data' => new JsExpression('function(d) {
            var searchForm = $('body').find('#searchForm').serializeArray();
            searchForm[searchForm.length] = { name: 'YourModel[page]', value: d.start }; // required
            searchForm[searchForm.length] = { name: 'YourModel[length]', value: d.length }; // required
            searchForm[searchForm.length] = { name: 'YourModel[draw]', value: d.draw }; // required
            var order = {
                'attribute': d.columns[d.order[0]['column']]['data'],
                'dir': d.order[0]['dir']
            }; // required
            searchForm[searchForm.length] = { name: 'YourModel[order]', value: JSON.stringify(order) };
            return searchForm;
    'dataSrc' => new JsExpression('function(d) {
        var searchForm = $("' . $searchFormSelector . '").serializeArray();
        if (d.validation) {
            searchForm.yiiActiveForm("updateMessages", d.validation, true);
            return [];
        return d.data;

// Use the DataTableWidget with configured parameters
    'id' => 'yourDataTable',
    'ajaxConfig' => $ajaxConfig,
    'columns' => $columns,
    'processing' => $processing,
    'serverSide' => $serverSide,
    'pageLength' => $pageLength,
    'dom' => $dom,
    'buttons' => $buttons,

// The HTML container for your DataTable
echo '<form id="searchForm">// your inputs </form>';
echo '<table id="yourDataTable" class="display"></table>';

Usage Example (Java Script)

- application side
front end
<form id="searchForm">
// your inputs 

<table id="yourDataTable" class="display" style="width:100%">

var arrayToExport = [0,1];
    "ajax": {
        // Server-side processing configuration
        "url": "../api/yourEndPoint",
        "bdestroy": true, // this allows you to re init the dataTabel and destory it 
        "type": "POST", // request method
        "data": function (d) { // this represent the data you are sending with your ajax request
            // Custom function for sending additional parameters to the server
            var searchForm = $('body').find('#searchForm').serializeArray();
            searchForm[searchForm.length] = { name: "YourModel[page]", value: d.start }; // required
            searchForm[searchForm.length] = { name: "YourModel[length]", value: d.length }; // required
            searchForm[searchForm.length] = { name: "YourModel[draw]", value: d.draw }; // required
            var order = {
                'attribute': d.columns[d.order[0]['column']]['data'],
                'dir': d.order[0]['dir']
            }; // required
            searchForm[searchForm.length] = { name: "YourModel[order]", value: JSON.stringify(order) };
            return searchForm;
        dataSrc: function (d) {
            // Custom function to handle the response data
            // EX:
            var searchForm = $('body').find('#searchForm').serializeArray();
            if (d.validation) {
                searchForm.yiiActiveForm('updateMessages', d.validation, true);
                return [];
            return d.data;
    "columns": [{
        // Column configurations
        "title": "ID",
        "data": "id",
        "visible": true // visablity of column 
    // ... (other columns)
        "title": "Actions",
        "data": "id",
        "visible": actionCol,
        "render": function (data, type, row) {
            // Custom rendering function for the "Actions" column
            return '<a class="showSomething" data-id="' + row.id + '">View</a>';
    processing: true,
    serverSide: true,
    "pageLength": 10,
    dom: "Btip",
    "buttons": [{
        // "Excel" button configuration
        "extend": 'excel',
        exportOptions: {
            columns: arrayToExport
        "text": '  Excel',
        "titleAttr": 'Excel',
        "action": exportAll // newexportaction this action is to allow you exporting with server side without rendaring data 
application back end
these params should be sent to the API
// in your HTTP request you want to include these params 
   $_postData = [
   'page' => $this->page == 0 ? 0 : $this->page / $this->length, // this equation is required to handle Yii2 Data provider Logic
   'limit' => $this->length,
   'export' => $this->export,
   'order' => $this->order,
   // add your custom params .....
these params should be returned to the Datatable endpoint
return $this->asJson(
                        'data' => $_scoreData->data,
                        'draw' => $_scoreSearchForm->draw,
                        'recordsTotal' => $_scoreData->count, 
                        'recordsFiltered' => $_scoreData->count

Usage API Side

yourEndPoint action
    public function actionYourEndPoint()

        $searchModel = new SearchModel();

        $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->get());
        return $this->asJson(
                'data' => $dataProvider['data'],
                'count' => $dataProvider['count']

search function
    public function search($params)
        $this->load($params, ''); // load your values into the model
        $query = Data::find(); // Data model is your link to the database

        $_order = json_decode($this->order);
        if ($this->export == 'true') {
            $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
                'query' => $query
                // we removed the page and pageSize keys to allow all data to be exported
        } else {
            $_orderType = SORT_ASC;
            if ($_order->dir == 'desc')
                $_orderType = SORT_DESC;
            $query->orderBy([$_order->attribute => $_orderType]);
            $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
                'query' => $query,
                'pagination' => [
                    'pageSize' => $this->limit,
                    'page' => $this->page,

        return array(
            'data' => $dataProvider->getModels(),
            'count' => $dataProvider->getTotalCount()

Feel Free to contact me : alkhatib.rashed@gmail.com

1 0
1 follower
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Developed by: Rashed Alkhatib
Created on: Jan 21, 2024
Last updated: (not set)
Packagist Profile
Github Repository

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