yii-basic-xls Basic Yii Component to export and download an Active Record resultset as an XML-based xls file. Tested on Yii version 1.0.4.


  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Credits

Basic Yii Component to export and download an Active Record resultset as an XML-based xls file Works with really old versions of Yii as 1.0.4.


  1. Head over to https://github.com/faustow/yiiBasicXls to find the extension.
  2. Download XlsExporter.php and move it into /protected/components/ in your own Yii application.


Once the XlsExporter component is in place, you just need to:

  • Search for whatever data you want to create the Xls file about
  • Call the downloadXls function with the correct parameters:
    • filename: String that will be used as name for the output filename. No need to append '.xls' since it will be added by default. (required)
    • data: Active record data set (required)
    • title: String that will be used as the title displayed on top of the exported lines. Defaults to false.
    • header: Boolean to show/hide header. Defaults to false.
    • fields: Array of fields to export. Defaults to false.
    • type: String that explains what's being exported for the end user (use plural) like 'users', 'cars', etc. Defaults to 'lines'.

For example (on some controller):

public function actionDownloadReport() {
	$fields = array('email', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'type');

	$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
	$criteria->select = $fields;
	$criteria->condition = "firstName = 'John'";
	$criteria->order = 'lastName';
	$users = users::model()->findAll($criteria);

	XlsExporter::downloadXls('report', $users, 'List of users called John', true, $fields, 'users');

Once that's in place, calling yoursite.com/somecontroller/downloadReport will trigger the download of the xls file in the browser.


Based on the work of yii user amc.

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1 follower
Yii Version: all
License: MIT
Category: Others
Developed by: phaws
Created on: Mar 16, 2016
Last updated: 8 years ago

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