Introduction ¶
Probably a lot of you would wonder why, having so many good extensions related to minifying/compressing/packing your javascript and css files around, here comes this guy offering us another solution.
I did check out all the extensions in our repository, just to name some of them:
All of them are great, but none were filling the requirements we had. I did not have any issue compressing all our files as our team, will use the YUI compressor jar file to create our compressed javascript versions and then use the wonderful mapping features of CClientScript. The issue was with the assets of external, or own developed, extensions and the javascript code that, even Yii own widgets, were writing to the POS_BEGIN, POS_END, POS_HEAD, POS_LOAD, POS_READY positions. Thats exactly what this library is doing: allowing Yii coders to minify those scripts.
Get the most up to date version from its own repository (at the end)Requirements ¶
You need to enable any caching mechanism in Yii in order to use it. For example:
'cache' => array(
'class' => 'system.caching.CApcCache',
Library ¶
The library comes with three flavors:
- EScriptBoost Component
- EClientScriptBoost Extension
- EAssetManagerBoost Extension
EScriptBoost Component ¶
This is a very easy to use component to compress your HTML, Javascript or CSS code at your will. The minifiers used are:
- For CSS- CssMin and CssMinify (with CssCompressor and CssUriRewriter classes that you can also use independently)
For JS- JsMin, JsMinPlus and JavaScriptPacker
// this is a very simple example :)
// we use cache as we do not want to
// compress/minify all the time our
// script
$js = Yii::app()->cache->get('scriptID');
$cacheDuration = 30;
$js = <<<EOD
// my long and uncompressed code here
// $js = EScriptBoost::packJs($js);
// $js = EScriptBoost::minifyJs($js, EScriptBoost::JS_MIN_PLUS);
$js = EScriptBoost::minifyJs($js, EScriptBoost::JS_MIN);
// see Cache guide for more options | dependencies
Yii::app()->cache->set('scriptID', $cacheDuration);
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('scriptID', $js);
That was troublesome right? No worries, if you don't really care about using JS_MIN, or JS_MIN_PLUS, you can use its helper function registerScript, it will handle all of the above automatically:
$js = <<<EOD
// my long and uncompressed code here
EScriptBoost::registerScript('scriptID', $js);
EClientScriptBoost Extension ¶
EScriptBoost was good for the javascript code written by me but what about the ones written by Yii widgets? EClientScriptBoost was developed to solve that:
On your main.php config file:
'import' => array(
// ... other configuration settings on main.php
// ... importing the folder where scriptboost is
// ... more configuration settings
// ... other configuration settings on main.php
'components' => array(
'clientScript' => array(
// ... assuming you have previously imported the folder
// where EClientScriptBoost is
// ... more configuration settings
Done! now, every time you or other component on your application registers some script, it will be minified and cached as you specify on your cache settings. Easy right?
EAssetManagerBoost Extension ¶
But there was one more challenge to solve. Some extensions, widgets, etc, do publish a whole bunch of files in our assets that are not minified. How to solve that? This is where EAssetManagerBoost comes handy.
This extension does not only minify about to be registered javascript/css files, but also makes sure that the files do not match any of its $minifiedExtensionFlags. This way we can avoid to minify/compress files that do not require it.
Make sure you have deleted your previous assets folder contents.
'import' => array(
// ... other configuration settings on main.php
// ... importing the folder where scriptboost is
// ... more configuration settings
// ... other configuration settings on main.php
'components' => array(
'assetManager' => array(
// ... assuming you have previously imported the folder
'class' => 'EAssetManagerBoost',
// ... more configuration settings
Important Note There is a small drawback to use EAssetManagerBoost and is that the first time your application is requested, it will take a bit of time as it will go throughout all your asset files to be published and minify them.
Minifying CSS and/or HTML ¶
EScriptBoost comes with a set of handy helper functions, among those minifyCSS and minifyHTML. They are very easy to use, for example with minifyCSS if you look at the code of EAssetManagerBoost lines 172-173, you will see a use of it:
@file_put_contents($dstFile, EScriptBoost::minifyCss(@file_get_contents($src)));
As you can see, you need to pass the CSS contents of a file or a script, in order to be minified. To minifyHTML is the same, you can get the contents returned by renderPartial to be minified or even do it with the whole view. How to be applied will depend on the requirements of the application and it needs to be carefully studied as that could slow down your application without the proper caching technique.
Please, check the reference links in order to get information about how to configure the minifiers included in this extension.
ChangeLog ¶
- Version 1.0.1 Included HTML Compression
- Version 1.0.0 Initial public release
Resources ¶
- GitHub repository
- Project page
- Packagist -composer
- Minify Google Code Project
- JsMinPlus page
- CssMin
- Forum Post
- 2amigOS Packagist Profile
web development has never been so fun - under construction -
Nice Extension ...
would be nice if we could include all scripts into one file after minifying. Having only one scriptfile for js and one file for css would reduce the loading time even more.
Is there a solution for this too ?
There are solutions already here for that, check minscript for example... for the assets that you control is fine.
minify css
could you explain how to minify css?
minify HTML
Nice extension there!
Could you document the usage for CSS and HTML please?
@fleuryc and @terrasoff
Will do, sorry do not have much time nowadays...
Just as clarification: minScript has always been able to also minify, cache and combine external assets which are controlled by other extension or yii itself.
in reply to:
Minscript Just as clarification: minScript has always been able to also minify, cache and combine external assets which are controlled by other extension or yii itself.
Is there a way to automatically have this done with minscript like you can using escriptboost? escriptboost will auto minify any javascript that a yii/zii widget sneakily includes so that you don't have to manually register them with minscript.
I've asked this question in the minscript forum post a few weeks ago and received no response - until that capability exists - to basically automatically minify anything in your assets folder - this extension still has a place.
At the end of the day, I just want one extension to minify all my javascript, for any widgets included, etc., cat them into one file, and serve that file in the pos_X.
Both extensions get me about halfway there - escript does automatic, but does not concat - minscript does concat but requires me to know all javascript that will be used by any widgets on the page and register the scripts with minscript.
Re: minscript
since version 2.0, minScript does automatically pick up any CSS and Javascript files registered through clientScript (including assets)
error message
I got some message in the html file:
Parse error: Illegal token in file '[inline]' on line 70
Parse error: Illegal token in file '[inline]' on line 27
Parse error: Illegal token in file '[inline]' on line 1
And website run slower than before, I guest because of these error.
Parse error: Missing ) in parenthetical in file '[inline]' on line 29
When activating EAssetManagerBoost...
Any idea what that could be?
EScriptboost now has a github repository.
Please, post your issues there, so i can handle them directly on the code.
I got this error:
PHP error
Declaration of EClientScriptBoost::registerScript() should be compatible with CClientScript::registerScript($id, $script, $position = NULL, array $htmlOptions = Array)
I patched the extension to detect and avoid trouble with cache aliasing across views and users.
This patch also fixes the issue in the previous comment which is due to a change in the Yii Framework (the method signature changed).
TIPS: registerScript conflicts when using cache (widget)
When use cache escriptboost in widget there is conflict caching registerScript and registerCss
for example using a widget that uses escriptboost by different controller/action the javascript/css is the same for those requests, so you have use diferrent ids for registered js/css.
For example
class SliderImage extends CWidget { .... public $id public function run() { ... Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('IDscriptVar-'.$this->id, "var specific_data='"...$variety_data Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCss('IDcssVar-'.$this->id, "var specific_data2='"...$variety_data2 } }
In this way avoid the conflicts when use cache
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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