- http://example.com/terms-and-conditions (english)
- http://example.com/impressum (german)
- http://example.com/mentions-legales (french)
In this wiki I will show how could use a TbActiveForm for changing the old password with help of old, new and repeat password features.
Knowledge is necessary to determine the address of the controller in a single layer system. This allows you to quickly search and painlessly produce refactoring controllers and their addresses.
Suppose a hacker has an account of your website He could set the PHPSESSID to empty After of that He login in your system The PHPSESSID remains blank and user has already logged with this session
Let's take the example of the above article to display an email button next to a delete button:
Here's a simple way to create a Recent comments showing widget to be used in your templates. The idea is just to highlighting your blog's new comments.
Once you have installed and configured the rights extension in your application, you can change the table name from 'User' to any table name you want and similarly for 'username' column to any other column name.
Simple Yii Script for performing CRUD operations:
Suppose you have Products,Categories and each product belongs in many categories
Awhile ago I was trying to find a database driven CMenu system to add to my web applications. This always seemed to me that it would be a lot easier to manage if it where in a database. So the following is the results of that effort:
According to below wiki we could migrate database schema to another database
In this wiki I will show how to copy a schema from a database to another one
First of all this is a very common problem, for more details see this post http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php/topic/52052-upload-file-with-any-charset/
This wiki shows how to get the geolocation info of the client using another server API It could be write also as extension but there are a lots of APIs that change the below code So, I wrote the below code that works for one of them (using www.geoplugin.net)
There are cases that you want to make an ajax request to another server and get the results.
This topic is related with langhandler extension
In this wiki I will show you how to save/update a model with many related model For example: How to set a product to multiple categories only in one post form ?
How to profile user requests so you can determine which actions need an enhancements and optimizations? This wiki going to show you a step by step how to do it.
These are functions that I used very often, may helps you!