implementing some features of yii user and rights.
implementing some features of yii user and rights.
In this article i will explain how to customize log activity in database, Imaging you need to save IP user, Url request and user_name in database,But table created by default with Yii only have id,level,category,logtime and message
CGridView and CListView are great widget to populate records and also provides features like ajax update, column sort, search, drop-down filter, ajax content load and many more...
In this wiki I explain how to show a default popup dialogbox (like Gii does) using an existing module.
There is a few cases that you want more of one CActiveDataProvider displayed in one CGrideView How to do that?
Like gmail, if you have tree or more unsuccessful login attemps a captcha appears
Getting "Expired token" errors ? Here is a solution to avoid invalid CSRF on POST or ajax requests, or user identity changes.
Sometimes you want to use exisiting translations for locales, which do not directly match. An example would be a website targeting Germany (de_de), Austria (de_at) and Switzerland (de_ch, fr_ch, it_ch). Although you may have exisiting translations for German (de), French (fr) and Italian (it), there are problems using it directly.
Lets say we have such a CGridView widget showing a list of users for administrator. Users have status „active“ or „disabled“. Grid widget puts class „odd“ or „even“ to rows and we want to preserve this. So we want to add a class „disabled“ to rows with disabled users.
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
Lots of people are asking how to solve it with YII,We think its difficult with YII. But its easy to solve . There is no database triggers needed . we can simply sove it by extending a class(say "RActiveRecord") from CActiveRecord .Then extend all our model classes from that class.
We are running one frontend running NGINX and several app servers running Apache2. There are several issues we have come across but right now I'll be documenting one of them. I'll be completing this article when I get more time.
The basic idea is to create a complete mail message and store it a Db table along with all info necessary for sending valid emails (to_email, from_email, from_name, subject etc.)
For best experience,use Chrome.Other browsers may complain here and there.Sorry,no patience to make happy every freaking browser out there!
When you're filling up a form of a CActiveRecord (using CActiveForm for example), usually you'll construct your code so that in case of validation error you'll get back the form with the error displayed back to you, typically when CActiveForm.errorSummary() is used. This is how its done by Gii.
I've gotten Yii running cron jobs, and wanted to explain briefly how I did it.
In order to get your Yii logs into Heroku's logs, you have to work a little bit of magic. You'll need to modify the script and add the following two lines: ~~~ touch /app/apache/logs/app_log tail -F /app/apache/logs/app_log & ~~~ This will set up the log and tail it so that when you request "heroku logs", this log is included.
A short explication on how to extract profile information for PHP on your server using XDebug and KCacheGrind or WinCacheGrind.
This example includes a composite condition as well as an empty condition - as if you bypass or disable defaultScope without using resetScope().
This article shows one of possible ways to implement menu items (as well as links), which displays a progress / wait dialog and are redirecting browser to destination URL in the same time. This is especially useful, for links or routes that are know to be loaded for a prolonged period of time (i.e. getting a lot of data from database).
This article explains how to easily turn standard text-line validation errors into beautifully and professionally looking Twitter Bootstrap's Popovers.