After of model update (successfull or not) throught CGridView (check the below link) you probably need to updates the specific row html in cgridview (not entire cgridview)
After of model update (successfull or not) throught CGridView (check the below link) you probably need to updates the specific row html in cgridview (not entire cgridview)
CGridview displays existent rows of the table (using DataProvider)
Suppose you want to have a list in Category with its related products and you want to updates the list (removing or insert product items) This wiki show us how to do that
Suppose we want to set a category to product (or an item in general term), Also suppose categories has sub-categories (multi-level)
hello guys now i am going to show you how to Reuse File Upload Code across multiple projects.
My goal here is to Open bootstrap modal and load ANY content using ajax response.
There are cases you want to update a record on CGridview directly
This wiki shows about how to make a custom column or how to pass php-Yii-html code in CButtonColumn (as a button)
The classic Yii way for doing an update action is as follows:
Here is my solution to login with email or anything else This update works with database mysql You must generate the user model with GII
by: Christian Salazar (bluyell, @salazachris74,
While rewriting the PcReportContent extension I'm maintaining I've bumped to a challenge. This wiki was born out of it.
Language translation is a common requirement in multi lingual sites. In Yii, we can translate using message and view translation.
There came the need to perform two operations, always, on 'application boot' time. Example? My real world example involved some geo-location logic (that's the first operation) and syncing of some session details so KcFinder can be in sync with the user in context - each user with his own session container (the second).
In some cases, we have to limit the number of page views for the guests users. Yii provide an efficient method to get this.
Here you learn to create and set a simple ahref-link to logout the current user.
In Yii community we have lots of extention can send emails, such as YiiMailer and Swift and so on, or even IMAPI, thanks for team contribution. However, sometimes, in the intranet enviroment, the program cannot run successfully since SMTP /IMAP port been banded. So you need to seek other ways. The most simple way is call outlook as COM.
If you develop your Yii project on both Windows and Mac, there can be a problem setting up the configuration unless the configurations for both system are identical. On my machines I have the following configurations: