Hello Yii friends
Hello Yii friends
To get multi level dropdown menu of using boostrap extension (http://www.yiiframework.com/extension/bootstrap/) widget TbNavbar just follow steps
After reading the other wiki article regarding token based access, I thought that it might be interesting to share my method.
Asslamualaikum Wr.Wb Hello I'm Fahmi Azain i will share wiki tutorial about Creating Pdf Report / Excel Report by using Parms / Parameters.
This article is about implementing authentication to Yii based web services.
This article describes an implementation of multi-tenancy using Yii and MySQL.
Suppose you have an Application in Yii that manages hotels each one has many customers.
>One-page Web Application built with AngularJS,TypeScript,and Yii framework.
Apostle provides a nifty facility for sending app-generated, transactional emails from your application including Wordpress-like mail formatting and full tracking (delivery, opening, clicking etc.) of all emails sent. No need to set up email facilities on your app server!
There are cases that you want to validate the file format, size, extension etc but how to do that without submit the form ?
Suppose you want to refresh a form or any content when a single row of CGridView is selected
Today i want to share with you is "How can we write HTML Code in view files? I am writing this article because many times we can not use CActiveForm to design our form...
This tutorial is for people that are integrating Yii into WordPress. Meaning that WordPress is the host platform, and that Yii will be handling AR, CRUD, etc.
Hi buddies !, This tutorial shows about how to add a custom button with your own icon for your CGridView of Yii framework
This tutorial describes how to connect to a remote service via tunnel when only most basic software is available on the remote server. It is not directly related to Yii. It could be hovewer useful for web developers working with shared hosting sites with limited access.
I have a table (account) which contains "General Ledger" accounts. Each account has its own account_description - such as 'inventory', 'sales', etc.
Note: Before reading this wiki you should have read the caching part in the Yii guide
Assume that you have teachers and students model.