This is wiki page is useful if you are trying to build a customized REST API in Yii2.0
This is wiki page is useful if you are trying to build a customized REST API in Yii2.0
This is a simple example in Yii2.0 to understand how you can write a custom component and use it inside your app.(basic template)
Translation from .txt file Note:
In this wiki I will show how could logout from all other sessions or all other places.
Assalamualaikum wr.wb Hello yii people i'm Muhammad Fahmi Azain this is tutorial about forgot password in yii framework, and i'm sorry if it does not comply with code standards yii. okay let's begin
Implementing a role based access control is a very easy process and you can even load your roles from the database if you want.
In this wiki I will show how could be store last login date & time in database. First we need a field LastLoginTime (Type must be datetime). this field store a user login detalis (like - Date & Time).
When talking about cookie-base login the Yii guide indicates the following:
Hi Friends, In this tutorial I write a code display dependent drop-down value using ajax call.
In this wiki I will show how could forcing login for all pages and users must be logged in to access almost all of the site’s content.
Efficient coding with Yii implies efficient use of the code generator. This article shares the personalised Gii templates that were built starting from the standard templates proposed by AweGen.
Yii has a neat "trick" that will assign default values to new CActiveRecords. When performing a search() though, this is pretty annoying as they automatically apply as filter values.
Hi Friends,
In this wiki I will show how could use a Captcha in yii CForm. The easy way to show captcha image is create a form using CHtml method & CActiveForm, but CForm also should be able to show a captcha.
Hi Friends, In this tutorial you can use the eajaxupload-extension ,
Hi Friends,
In this tutorial, how to update the sum of all the button data-price value using jquery,
Just Follow three step and it's work easily.I hope It may be some helpful to others.
Hi Friends, This tutorial may be help us create the custom drop-down menu using CHtml::dropDownList
Yii2 comes with a charming twitter bootstrap version 3. But if it is less, then you can integrate with web templates that you like. One example is wonderfull template "adminLTE"
Using CActiveRecord->updateAll() and CActiveRecord->deleteAll() with scopes and criteria requires some tricks that are explained in this article. While findAll() , find() and some other methods use scopes automatically, updateAll() and deleteAll() do not.
In this wiki I will show how to create own custom global function. It may be save the space and reduce the time.