Yii2 RESTful API with OAuth 2.0



This article is for the one’s who is already working with PHP/Yii2 or who wants to quick start developing a RESTful API using Yii2 framework with

  1. OAuth 2.0 authentication
  2. A developer dashboard
  3. API documentation template

Here I’m sharing the Live demo and Source code of a RESTful API with OAuth2 authentication/security developed using Yii2 framework You can use this if you want to quick start developing your own custom RESTful API by skipping 95% of your scratch works. Hopefully this will save lot of your time as this API includes all the basic stuffs you need to get started.

Developer Dashboard

This API also includes a developer dashboard with the API documentation which is developed in Yii2 framework. This will be useful to manage your developers access to the API documentation.

Why Yii2?


It's Fast, It’s Secure and Professional!. Yii comes with rich features: MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching, authentication and role-based access control, scaffolding, testing, etc. It can reduce your development time significantly.

What is a RESTful API?

REST is an architectural style for building APIs. It stands for “Representational State Transfer”. It means when we build an API, we build it in a way that HTTP methods and URIs mean something, and the API has to respond in a way that’s expected.

Something about OAuth 2.0

The OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework which enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service.



Login: developer/developer

Source Code


Official Documentation

Documentation for this RESTful API can be found on the Yii 2.0 RESTful API with OAuth 2.0 Documentation. Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this API, please send an e-mail to Sirin k at sirin@nintriva.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

Installation instructions


Similar API Implementation in NodeJs,Laravel &GoLang

Expressjs 4.15/Mysql RESTful API with OAuth2

Expressjs 4.15/MongoDb RESTful API with OAuth2

Laravel 5.5 Lumen 5.5/Mysql RESTful API with OAuth2

GoLang/MongoDb Microservice with OAuth2

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Sirin K

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Viewed: 70 197 times
Version: 2.0
Category: Tutorials
Written by: sirin k
Last updated by: sirin k
Created on: Sep 30, 2017
Last updated: 6 years ago
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