- Two solutions:
- 1. Build view in SQL database to simplify the search in advance.
- 2. Build SQL query in Yii2.
- Steps:
- 1. use yii\db\Expression;
- 2. Create complexity expression in advance, example as below
- 3. One tips for sort for that complexity expression
As for complexity SQL query we have two solutions as below, I will discuss #2 in this article.
Two solutions: ¶
1. Build view in SQL database to simplify the search in advance. ¶
2. Build SQL query in Yii2. ¶
Steps: ¶
1. use yii\db\Expression; ¶
2. Create complexity expression in advance, example as below ¶
You have to use DB expression, or else Yii2 will add special character ` into each column and cause you cannot successfully construct the correct SQL, and will encounter run time error.
public function search($params, $userId = 0, $isMyQueue = false)
if (empty($userId)) {
if (!is_a(Yii::$app, 'yii\console\Application')) {
$userId = yii::$app->user->id;
$excludeStatus = EOPStatus::Close . "," . EOPStatus::Cancel;
//build your complexity query here
$FO_Due_Expression = "if(t.Status_Id in ($excludeStatus),'No',
if(t.Version <> 1,
if(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL m.Approved DAY)>p.New_Version_Due_Date and IsNULL(Forecast_Qty),'Yes','No'),
if(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL m.Approved DAY)>p.Mass_Lock_Due_Date and IsNULL(Forecast_Qty),'Yes','No')
//Another complexity SQL
$PO_Due_Expression = "if(t.Status_Id in ($excludeStatus),'No',
if(t.Version <> 1,
if(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL m.Close DAY)>p.New_Version_Due_Date and IsNULL(PO_Qty),'Yes','No'),
if(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL m.Close DAY)>p.Mass_Lock_Due_Date and IsNULL(PO_Qty),'Yes','No')
$query = EOPRegionalPart::find()
->select(['t.*', 'part.Platform_Id', 'Platform_Name' => 'p.Platform_Name', 'Platform_Create_At' => 'p.Create_At', 'part.Part', 'part.Description',
'r.Sub_Region as Region',
'm.Milestone_Type', 'm.Color as Milestone_Color', 'm.Pending_Approval as PA_LT',
'm.Approved as Approved_LT', 'm.Close as PO_LT', 'm.Notify as Notify_LT', 'm.WIP as WIP_LT',
'type.Forecast_Type', 'p.EOP_Target_Date',
'Vendor' => 'v.name', 'GSM' => 'gsm.username', 'p.Mass_Lock_Due_Date',
'Status' => 's.Status_Description',
'p.Platform_Status_Id', 'p.Platform_Sales_Kpcs', 'p.Platform_LTS_Kpcs', 'p.Platform_Note', 'part.Part_Note',
'p.Mass_Lock_Due_Date', 'p.EOP_Target_Date',
'rp.username as Region_Planner', 'poc.username as EOP_POC', 'owner.username as Current_Owner',
new Expression($FO_Due_Expression . " as FO_Due"), //Attach that expression
new Expression($PO_Due_Expression . " as PO_Due"), //Attach another
->from('eop_regional_part t')
->leftJoin('eop_status s', 't.Status_Id = s.id')
->leftJoin('npi_region r', 'r.id = t.Region_Id')
->leftJoin('eop_part part', 't.Part_Id = part.id')
->leftJoin('eop_platform p', 'part.Platform_Id = p.id')
->leftJoin('eop_milestone m', 'm.id = p.Milestone_Type_Id')
->leftJoin('eop_type type', 'type.id = p.EOP_Type_Id')
->leftJoin('npi_commodity c', 'c.id = part.Commodity_Id')
->leftJoin('npi_comm_code cc', 'cc.id = part.Comm_Code_Id')
->leftJoin('npi_vendor v', 'v.id = p.Vendor_Id')
->leftJoin('tbl_users gsm', 'gsm.id = p.GSM_Id')
->leftJoin('tbl_users rp', 'rp.id = t.Region_Planner_Id')
->leftJoin('tbl_users poc', 'poc.id = t.EOP_POC_Id')
->leftJoin('tbl_users owner', 'owner.id = t.Current_Owner_Id');
$sort = [
'defaultOrder' => [
'Update_At' => SORT_DESC,
// 'Platform_Name' => SORT_ASC,
'attributes' => ['id', 'Version', 'Part', 'Region', 'Description', 'Part_Cost', 'FIR', 'Region_Planner', 'EOP_POC', 'Current_Owner', 'Part_Note', 'Create_At', 'Update_At', 'Platform_Name', 'Milestone_Type', 'Forecast_Type', 'EOP_Target_Date',
'Vendor', 'GSM', 'Mass_Lock_Due_Date', 'Commodity', 'Comm_Code', 'Status',
'Commodity', 'Comm_Code', 'Description',
'Platform_Sales_Kpcs', 'Platform_LTS_Kpcs', 'PO_Qty', 'Forecast_Qty', 'PO', 'Region_Part_GSM_Note', 'Region_Part_Planner_Note',
'Region_Sales_Kpcs', 'Region_LTS_Kpcs', 'Mass_Lock_Due_Date', 'New_Version_Due_Date', 'EOP_Target_Date',
'Platform_Note', 'Part_Note',
'FO_Due', 'PO_Due', //**these are the two complexity column name, allow sorting.**
3. One tips for sort for that complexity expression ¶
//... ...
$query->andFilterWhere(['like', new Expression($FO_Due_Expression), $this->FO_Due])
->andFilterWhere(['like', new Expression($PO_Due_Expression), $this->PO_Due]);
//... ...
return $dataProvider;
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