How to have truly multilingual URLs

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  1. Introduction
  2. The problem
  3. The solution


We can easily have a multilingual site if we put a "lang" parameter that comes via GET. For example:

echo CHtml::link('Games', array('/site/games', 'lang' => 'en')); 
echo CHtml::link('Juegos', array('/site/games', 'lang' => 'es')); 
echo CHtml::link('Services', array('/site/services', 'lang' => 'en')); 
echo CHtml::link('Servicios', array('/site/services', 'lang' => 'es')); 

Then, in Controller.php, we need to put this piece of code:

public function beforeAction($action)
      return true;

Finally we can add the following rules:

	    '<lang:\w+>/<action>' => 'site/<action>',

The problem

This leads to URLs like these:

This is fine to have a multilingual site. But, we can go one step further. What if we want URLs like these:

That is, every URL has its particular path. It changes the whole URL, not just the two initial letters (en/es).

The solution

           '<lang:es>/juegos'=> 'site/games',
           '<lang:en>/games'=> 'site/games',
           '<lang:es>/servicios'=> 'site/services',
           '<lang:en>/services'=> 'site/services',
	       '<lang:\w+>/<action>' => 'site/<action>',

(Take note that we also added 'matchValue' => true to the urlManager array.)