Advanced CTabView using CClipWidget

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Here is a way to dynamically extend tabs based on clips.
Probably even more complex things could be done.

<?php $this->beginWidget('system.web.widgets.CClipWidget', array('id'=>'My tab 1')); ?>
    My tab 1 ...
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

<?php $this->beginWidget('system.web.widgets.CClipWidget', array('id'=>'My tab 2')); ?>
    My tab 2 ...
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

<?php $this->beginWidget('system.web.widgets.CClipWidget', array('id'=>'My tab 3')); ?>
    My tab 3 ...
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

$tabParameters = array();
foreach($this->clips as $key=>$clip)
    $tabParameters['tab'.(count($tabParameters)+1)] = array('title'=>$key, 'content'=>$clip);

<?php $this->widget('system.web.widgets.CTabView', array('tabs'=>$tabParameters)); ?>

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Viewed: 18 677 times
Version: Unknown (update)
Category: Tutorials
Written by: krillzip
Last updated by: Yang He
Created on: Feb 11, 2009
Last updated: 12 years ago
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