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A simple trick to get the localized version of a model field is to add this little method to your models.
public function getNameLocalized()
return Yii::t(strtolower(__CLASS__), $this->name);
What this snipped does is, that it looks for a translation with your model name (in lowercase) as category and the database entry as the translation key.
Just one simple example: ¶
Imagine you have a country table (and a model called Country)
ID | NAME ------|-------- 1 | sweden 2 | italy 3 | norway ------|--------
Use any of the offered translation methods. I simply use php-files in the `protectec/messages
` folder.
Let's assume the language is set to `'de'
`. The translation file would look like that:
return array(
'sweden' => 'Schweden',
'italy' => 'Italien',
'norway' => 'Norwegen',
Now this is the fun part where PHP5 unfolds its magic (functions): To easily create a localized drop down list where your visitor can select a country you only need this simple line of php code in your view:
echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($model, 'country_id',
CHtml::listData(Country::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'nameLocalized'))
This creates this kind of HTML-Code:
<option value="1">Schweden</option>
<option value="2">Italien</option>
<option value="3">Norwegen</option>
I hope this helps you saving time. If you have any suggestions just drop a comment.
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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