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Hey guys, today we will show you how to make a Yii CJuitabs as example. Some feature cases such as Static tabs, render partial tabs, Ajax tabs, color tabs... You can see our code, there are simple 3 steps to make it work.
- Working for Yiiframework version 1.x
In view.php ¶
<h1>Default CJuiTabs: Static, render partial, Ajax tab</h1>
'StaticTab '=>'Content for tab 1',
'StaticTab With ID'=>array('content'=>'Content for tab 2 With Id' , 'id'=>'tab2'),
'Render Partial'=>array('id'=>'test-id','content'=>$this->renderPartial(
array('Values'=>'This Is My Renderpartial Page'),TRUE
// panel 3 contains the content rendered by a partial view
// additional javascript options for the tabs plugin
<br />
<h1>Dynamic Yii CJui Tabs Menu With Color </h1>
foreach($tablist as $tabs){
else if($tabs=='Green'){$css='color:green;';}
else if($tabs=='Blue'){$css='color:blue';}
$tabarray["<span id='tab-$tabs' style='$css'>$tabs</span>"]="$tabs Color";
// additional javascript options for the accordion plugin
'options' => array(
'collapsible' => true,
<br />
<h1>Yii CJui Tabs Mouse Over Event </h1>
// additional javascript options for the accordion plugin
'options' => array(
in ajax.php file: ¶
/ ajax.php /
echo "Ajax Rendered This Page";
//Your processing
In _renderpage.php ¶
/** _renderpage.php **/
echo $Values."<br/>";
echo "Render Page<br/>";
Great article
Thanks for the info.
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