A very easy way to setup yiic on WAMP server (without extra windows settings)

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Assuming that you have already install the wampserver on your windows.

  1. extract zip framework file from http://www.yiiframework.com/download to c:\wamp\www folder
  2. rename yii-1.1.13.... folder to yii (so the path should be c:\wamp\www\yii and the framework itself will be into c:\wamp\www\yii\framework)
  3. on c:\wamp\www creates a file with the extension 'bat' (for example myrun.bat), then open it with an editor (I suggest you notepad++) and put this code
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3

note the C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3 is the php folder path on my system, so you have to check which is yours

save the changes of the file myrun.bat

  1. run the myrun.bat like as an executable file. A console command line will be appeared.

  2. ensure that the current path is c:\wamp\www and then type

php yii/framework/yiic.php webapp myfirstsite

That's it! a folder named myfirstsite has been generated and now you can see the site on your browser typing localhost/myfirstsite or (ensure that the wampserver is running!)

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Viewed: 52 089 times
Version: Unknown (update)
Category: Tutorials
Last updated by: Kostas Apazidis (KonApaz)
Created on: Jul 17, 2013
Last updated: 10 years ago
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