Drills : Search by a HAS_MANY relation in Yii 1.1

  1. Relation
  2. Example of HAS_MANY
  3. Task #1
  4. Task #2
  5. Task #3
  6. Task #4
  7. Task #5
  8. Task #6
  9. Conclusion and Notice
  10. UPDATE: Using a dedicated relation for searching

Sometimes we get lost trying to search by a HAS_MANY relation using CActiveRecord or CActiveDataProvider in Yii 1.1. This article is a series of drills that try to describe the practical techniques of searching by a HAS_MANY relation.

Note: Note that this article is Yii 1.1 specific. For Yii 2, please read the new article - Drills : Search by a HAS_MANY relation in Yii 2.0 that is completely rewritten for Yii 2.0.


Two entities are sometimes connected with a relation of 1:N. Or we may say that 1:N is the only possible relation between 2 entities as long as we are in the RDB world. 1:1 relation is just a particular kind of 1:N where N is always assumed to be 1 at the maximum. And N:N relation can be considered as a combination of two 1:N relations.

Yii supports this 1:N relation in CActiveRecord as BELONGS_TO and HAS_MANY relations. 1:N relation seen from the side of N is BELONG_TO, and from the side of 1 it is HAS_MANY.

BELONGS_TO relation is fairly easy. There's not so much to talk about it. But HAS_MANY can be very tough sometimes.

Now, let's construct an example of 1:N relation.

Example of HAS_MANY

Think about blog posts and their authors. It's a relation of "An Author has many Posts" and "A Post belongs to an Author" at the same time.

 * Author model
 * @property integer $id
 * @property integer $name Author's name
class Author extends CActiveRecord
    public function relations()
        return array(
            'posts' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Post', 'author_id');
 * Post model
 * @property integer $id
 * @property integer $author_id FK to Author's id
 * @property integer $title Title of Post
class Post extends CActiveRecord
    public function relations()
        return array(
            'author' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Author', 'author_id');

We are going to solve the possible use cases of search regarding this example.

Task #1

Show all posts that has a word in post title

I want to start with an easy one. Let's retrieve all the posts that has a cirtain word in their title.

public static function GetPostsByTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('title', $searchWord, true);
    // find
    $posts = Post::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show
    foreach($posts as $post)
        echo "Title = " . $post->title . "\n";

Ah, it was too easy. And no relation is involved in this task.

OK, let's move on to the next.

Task #2

Show all posts with their authors that has a certain word in post title

Now we have to retrieve the authors' name, too.

public static function GetPostsWithAuthorByTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // with Author model
    $criteria->with = array('author');
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('t.title', $searchWord, true);
    // find all posts
    $posts = Post::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show all posts
    foreach($posts as $post)
        echo "Title = " . $post->title . "\n";
        echo "Author = " . $post->author->name . "\n";

Well, you may say "You don't have to do it. Just add a line to echo $post->author->name to the code of the 1st task."

Yes, you are right. Post model has author relation, so all you have to do to retrieve its Author is just $post->author. How convenient is it! It's so-called lazy loading approach.

But the lazy loading approach has a drawback in this case, because you have to execute one query for retrieving an entire array of Posts plus every one query per each Post for retrieving its author. It will end up in 1+N queries to be executed.

Here we are retrieveing Posts and their Authors at the same time by specifying CDbCriteria::with. It enables you to do the job with a single query that joins the related tables. This is so-called eager loading approach.

The eager loading is preferrable in this particular case, because it's more effective. But, you have to note, it is not always so.

Please note that you have to disambiguate the column name with table aliases when you have joined the tables using with. We use the fixed alias of t for the main table. And the alias for the related table is usually the same as the relation name.

So you can write like this when you want to search by Author's name.

    // compare Author's name
    $criteria->compare('author.name', $searchName, true);

Quite simple, isn't it? I do love CActiveRecord of Yii. It's quite convenient.

Huh? Who said "It's just a BELONGS_TO relation. Yeah, it's simple. I know."?

Yes, you are right, definitely. Let's move on to the next task where we will deal with HAS_MANY.

Task #3

Show all authors who has at least one post that has a certain word in post title

Now we will retrieve the authors, not the posts.

public static function GetAuthorsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // with Post model
    $criteria->with = array('posts');
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);
    // find all authors
    $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show all authors
    foreach($authors as $author)
        echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";

Umm, is it OK? Seems OK, but looks too simple. We don't care. Let's move on.

Task #4

Show all authors with his/her all posts who has at least one post that has a certain word in post title

Hmmm. Just a small addition to the 3rd task. Something like this?

Wrong Answer
public static function GetAuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // with Post model
    $criteria->with = array('posts');
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);
    // find all authors
    $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show all authors and his/her posts
    foreach($authors as $author)
        echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";
        foreach($author->posts as $post)
            echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n";

BOOP!! You've got hooked.


If the task had been "Show all authors with his/her relevant posts who has at least one post that has a certain word in post title", then it would have been the answer. But the task is "with his/her all posts". Your answer doesn't show the posts which don't have that certain word in their titles.

Because you are comparing the post titles, the posts without the certain word in their titles are omitted from the query results.

We want to do the lazy loading of the posts in order to retrieve all the posts, but at the same time we need to join the post table using with in order to compare the post title.

How to solve this dilemma?

public static function GetAuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // join Post model (without selecting)
    $criteria->with = array(
        'posts' => array(
            'select' => false,
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);
    // find all authors
    $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show all authors and his/her posts
    foreach($authors as $author)
        echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";
        foreach($author->posts as $post)
            echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n";

You can join the table without fetching its data by specifying select property to false in the definition of the relation.

Now you can do the lazy loading of Posts by this trick.

Please take note that the definition of the relation can be dynamically changed on the fly as you see in the code above. It overrides the definition of the relation declared in relations() method.

Now, let's move on to the next one. I tell you, it is a difficult one, in fact.

Task #5

Show top 5 authors in the order of name with his/her all posts who has at least one post that has a certain word in post title

OK, so we need to add "LIMIT" and "ORDER". Going to try with this one.

Trial #1
public static function GetTop5AuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // with Post model
    $criteria->with = array('posts');
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);
    // order by author name
    $criteria->order = 't.name ASC';
    // limit to 5 authors
    $criteria->limit = 5;
    // find all authors
    $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show all authors and his/her posts
    foreach($authors as $author)
        echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";
        foreach($author->posts as $post)
            echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n";

But this will end in an error as long as $searchWord is not empty. Yii will say "There's no column like posts.title". Huh? We have set 'posts' to 'with'! Why is it?

The guide says:

Info|Guide : By default, Yii uses eager loading, i.e., generating a single SQL statement, except when LIMIT is applied to the primary model.

It means that if LIMIT is applied to the primary model, then lazy loading will be used. This rule has been applied to our code above, and the query was executed without joining the author table. So, what to do then?

The guide proceeds to say:

Info|Guide : We can set the together option in the relation declarations to be true to force a single SQL statement even when LIMIT is used.

OK. So we will modify the code to:

Trial #2
    // force to join Post
    $criteria->with = array(
        'posts' => array(
            'together' => true,

What about this? Seems OK. You will not see the error anymore.

But, alas, you will get the strange output like this:

  • search word = foo
  • Author = Andy
    • Post = Don't use foo
    • Post = Use yoo for foo
  • Author = Ben
    • Post = foo is great
    • Post = I love foo
  • Author = Charlie
    • Post = What's foo?
  • end

We want to show 5 authors, but the list ends where the count of posts sums up to 5.

OK. Then we will use 'select' => false trick again.

Trial #3
    // force to join Post (without selecting)
    $criteria->with = array(
        'posts' => array(
            'together' => true,
            'select' => false,

But it still doesn't work. It will show the results like this:

  • search word = foo
  • Author = Andy
    • Post = Don't use foo
    • Post = Use yoo for foo
    • Post = Don't use bar
    • Post = Use yar for bar
  • Author = Ben
    • Post = foo is great
    • Post = I love foo
    • Post = I also love bar
  • Author = Charlie
    • Post = What's foo?
    • Post = What's bar?
  • end

It is because LIMIT is not applied to the primary table, but to the virtually constructed table that is the result of joining. It's no use complaining about this behavior, because that's how the query works in RDB.

But we won't give up. Let's try grouping then.

Trial #4
    // force to join Post (without selecting)
    $criteria->with = array(
        'posts' => array(
            'together' => true,
            'select' => false,
    // group by Author's id
    $criteria->group = 't.id';

Wow, great! It works!

To sum it up:

public static function GetTop5AuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // force to join Post (without selecting)
    $criteria->with = array(
        'posts' => array(
            'together' => true,
            'select' => false,
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);
    // group by Author's id
    $criteria->group = 't.id';
    // order by author name
    $criteria->order = 't.name ASC';
    // limit to 5 authors
    $criteria->limit = 5;
    // find all authors
    $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show all authors and his/her posts
    foreach($authors as $author)
        echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";
        foreach($author->posts as $post)
            echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n";

Info|Notice : Unfortunately, this trick seems to work only with MySQL, which has an extended implementation of GROUP BY.

Now, here is the last task.

Task #6

Show top 5 authors in the order of name with his/her relevant posts who has at least one post that has a certain word in post title

Probably the filtering in lazy loading should be the only answer. I cant't think of another solution.

Example of Answer
public static function GetTop5AuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // force to join Post (without selecting)
    $criteria->with = array(
        'posts' => array(
            'together' => true,
            'select' => false,
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);
    // group by Author's id
    $criteria->group = 't.id';
    // order by author name
    $criteria->order = 't.name ASC';
    // limit to 5 authors
    $criteria->limit = 5;
    // find all authors
    $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show all authors and his/her posts
    foreach($authors as $author)
        echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";
        // lazy loading posts with filtering
        $filteredPosts = $author->posts(
                'condition' => 'title LIKE :search_word',
                'params' => array(
                    ':search_word' => '%' . $searchWord . '%',
        foreach($filteredPosts as $post)
            echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n";

It might not looks very elegant, but I think it's a decent solution without any hacky tricks.

The key point of the answer is that you can dynamically define the query options of the relation in lazy loading.

The guide says:

Info|Guide : Dynamic query options can also be used when using the lazy loading approach to perform relational query. To do so, we should call a method whose name is the same as the relation name and pass the dynamic query options as the method parameter.

Conclusion and Notice

Well, we've managed to accomplish all the tasks without getting lost.

It has been a little surprise to me, because I didn't expect it. Originally, my intention for this article was just to show the dilemma in the search by a HAS_MANY and the reason for it.

CActiveRecord of Yii has been more powerful than I have imagined.


Although we didn't take up CActiveDataProvider here, the basic concepts we discussed are also applicable to it. You should note that LIMIT is usually there to confuse you, because CActiveDataProvider is normally used with CPagination.

The Guide

"The guide" in this article refers to "The Definitive Guide to Yii", particularly the section of "Relational Active Record".

The Definitive Guide to Yii : Relational Active Record

It's not quite easy to understand all the content of it, esspecially when you are new to Yii. But you MUST read it. I can also recommend to those people who feel at home with Yii to read it over once in a while. It's worth the time.

UPDATE: Using a dedicated relation for searching

So, this is a very important update to this article.

By specifying a dedicated relation for searching, we can join the same table independently for filtering and fetching data.

For instance, the answer to the task #4 could be written like the following:

Optimized Answer to Task #4
public function relations()
    return array(
        'posts' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Post', 'author_id'),
        'posts_search' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Post', 'author_id'),

public static function GetAuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // join Post model (one for fetching data, the other for filtering)
    $criteria->with = array(
        'posts' => array(  // this is for fetching data
            'together' => false,
        'posts_search' => array(  // this is for filtering
            'select' => false,
            'together' => true,
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('posts_search.title', $searchWord, true);
    // find all authors with his/her posts
    $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show all authors and his/her posts
    foreach($authors as $author)
        echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";
        foreach($author->posts as $post)  // no queries executed here !!
            echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n";

The difference between the original answer and the optimized one lies in the performance.

There were 1 + N queries executed in the original answer, because every $author->posts would trigger a query to fetch the posts.

But there are only 2 queries here. There's no query executed for each $author->posts, because all the posts have been fetched in findAll. Yes, findAll executes 2 queries: one for the relations with 'together', and the other for those without 'together'. (For filtering in the 2nd query, Yii will use the primary keys fetched in the 1st query in IN condition.)

Likewise, the answers to the task #5 and #6 could be optimized like the following:

Optimized Answer to Task #5
public static function GetTop5AuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // join Post model (one for fetching data, the other for filtering)
    $criteria->with = array(
        'posts' => array(  // this is for fetching data
            'together' => false,
        'posts_search' => array(  // this is for filtering
            'select' => false,
            'together' => true,
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('posts_search.title', $searchWord, true);
    // group by Author's id
    $criteria->group = 't.id';
    // order by author name
    $criteria->order = 't.name ASC';
    // limit to 5 authors
    $criteria->limit = 5;
    // find all authors with his/her posts
    $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show all authors and his/her posts
    foreach($authors as $author)
        echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";
        foreach($author->posts as $post)  // no queries executed here !!
            echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n";
Optimized Answer to Task #6
public static function GetTop5AuthorsWithPostsByPostTitle($searchWord)
    // query criteria
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    // join Post model (one for fetching data, the other for filtering)
    $criteria->with = array(
        'posts' => array(  // this is for fetching data
            'together' => false,
            'condition' => 'posts.title LIKE :search_word',
            'params' => array(
                ':search_word' => '%' . $searchWord . '%',
        'posts_search' => array(  // this is for filtering
            'select' => false,
            'together' => true,
    // compare title
    $criteria->compare('posts.title', $searchWord, true);
    // group by Author's id
    $criteria->group = 't.id';
    // order by author name
    $criteria->order = 't.name ASC';
    // limit to 5 authors
    $criteria->limit = 5;
    // find all authors
    $authors = Author::model()->findAll($criteria);
    // show all authors and his/her posts
    foreach($authors as $author)
        echo "Author = " . $author->name . "\n";
        foreach($author->posts as $post)  // no queries executed here !!
            echo "Post = " . $post->title . "\n";
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Viewed: 78 673 times
Version: 1.1
Category: Tutorials
Written by: softark
Last updated by: softark
Created on: Dec 6, 2012
Last updated: 6 years ago
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