This page assumes that you have installed Wampserver on your MS Windows computer.
Start with downloading Yii and deploy the framework in your webroot/vhost (C:\wamp\www\
Open the Environment Variables window by going to: Start -> My Computer (right click!) -> Advanced Tab -> Environment Variables -> Click Path in System variables -> Edit
In Windows 7, press the Win key and type "env". You should see a control panel section with a shortcut to "Edit the system environment variables". Select it and then click on "Environment Variables...".
Click on the variable called PATH and click "Edit...". Do not delete the paths already there! Separate each path with semicolons.
Now you have to add the following PATHs in Windows: "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.8
" and "C:\wamp\www\framework
". The former path should lead where your php.exe resides, and the latter where your yiic.bat resides.
After entering the paths, type cmd
in your startmenus searchfield, and go to the webroot. You may have to restart the computer if this does not work for you so that Windows can register the new variables.
yiic webapp mywebsite
Will generate a Yii skeleton for your web application inside the directory "mywebsite" in your WAMP webroot folder. One reason that you should stand in your WAMP webroot when giving the yiic commands is that you don't have to specify where you want the web application generated.
Accessing yiic for the local web applicaton ¶
After you have created your webapp you want to use the yiic command shell to generate model classes and using the CRUD functionality.
For this you should go to "C:\wamp\www\mywebsite\protected
The reason you should stand here is that you want to use the local yiic command for the application. This is necessary if you want to create models and CRUD using the database schema as a template. The yiic command will use the configuration of the web application!
yiic shell ..\index.php
This command will start the local yiic shell that gives you access to the CRUD commands and even the commands that you build into your webapp.
Don't forget to configure your database settings in protected\config\console.php
fixing testdrive 'php.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Navigate to: \yii\framework\yiic.bat (ms dos batch file). Open with your preferred text editor.
change the line: if "%PHP_COMMAND%" == "" set PHP_COMMAND=php.exe
to the following: if "%PHP_COMMAND%" == "" set PHP_COMMAND=c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.0\php.exe (or whatever the FULL path to your php.exe file is)
save and open the command prompt and enter the following:
cd c:\wamp\www\framework (this is my path... yours may be different. The action sets the directory you are operating out of as the "framework" directory)
then enter this:
c:\wamp\www\framework>c:\wamp\www\testing (or whatever path you would like to use)
This should fix the issue and you should see the following output:
The following commands are available:
Good luck!
Setup Yii in xampp server
After open comment line, just follow these steps:
Step 1: "D:"
- If your xampp server was installed default in C:, skip this steps
Step 2: "cd xampp\php"
- Access to xampp\php folder where contain "php.exe" file.
Step 3: "php.exe D:\xampp\htdocs\yii\yii-1.1.8.r3324\framework\yiic webapp D:\xampp\htdocs\projects\project_name"
-call "php.exe" to excecute yiic and create a website application
Step 4: "y"
-Press Y/y to ensure your project install correctly.
Hope help
Easy fix to yiic shell access
Please, just type in the execute command window in Window menu:
environment variables > open up the environment variables editor > click on environment variables under the Advanced tap
add new variable, in "Variable Name" type "Path" and in the value type in "c:\path\to\php;c:\path\to\php\php.exe" without the quotes.
Restart and that's all !! now your yiic knows where php.exe is.
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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