Start using Yii2 in Raspberry Pi3 (RPI3) via Pantahub

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  1. Make your RPI3 device ready to deploy Yii2 by following 6 Steps
  2. Deploy your Yii2 app to the device by following 5 Steps

Note:Pantahub is the only place where Linux firmware can be shared and deployed for any device, You can signup @pantahub here:

Make your RPI3 device ready to deploy Yii2 by following 6 Steps

Step 1: Burn the RPI3 initial stable image into your sd card.
a) Download RPI3 image

Click to download:

b) unxz the device image

Run $ unxz rpi3_initial_stable.img.xz

c) Burn image into sd card using Raspberry Pi Imager 1.2

Step 2: Boot your RPI3
a) Insert your sd card and supply the power

Step 3: Singup @pantahub here
Step 4: Download & Install a CLI tool "pvr"

Note: pvr is a CLI tool which can be used to interact with your device through pantahub platform. Note: Using pvr you can share your firmware and projects as simple as with a git tree: Note: Move the pvr binary to your bin folder after download.

Linux(AMD64): Download Linux(ARM32v6): Download Darwin(AMD64): Download

pvr clone; pvr commit; pvr post

To install from github source code: $ go get $ go build -o ~/bin/pvr

Note: You need "GOLANG" to be installed in your system for building pvr from github source code.

Step 5: Detect & Claim your device
a) Connect a LAN cable between your RPI3 & computer/Router.

b) Open your terminal & run $ pvr scan

c) Claim your device

$ pvr claim -c merely-regular-gorilla

d) Log into and check whether the newly claimed device appeared in the dashboard or not.

Step 6: Clone the device to your computer using the Clone URL of your device

$ pvr clone presently_learning_pelican

Now your device is ready to deploy your Yii2 app

Deploy your Yii2 app to the device by following 5 Steps

Step 1: Move to device root dir
 `$ cd presently_learning_pelican`
Step 2: Add a new app "yii2" into the device

>sirinibin/yii2-basic-arm32v7:latest is a Docker image made for the devices with ARM32 architecture >> You can customise the docker image for your custom Yii2 app.

$ pvr app add yii2 --from=sirinibin/yii2-basic-arm32v7:latest

Step 3: Deploy the changes to the device

$ pvr add . $ pvr commit $ pvr post

Step 4: Check the device status changes in dashboard & wait for the status to become "DONE"

Status 1: Status 2: Status 3: ![]( ) Status 4:

Step 5: Verify the "yii2" app deployment

Access the device IP: in your web browser.

You are done!

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Viewed: 37 134 times
Version: 2.0
Category: How-tos
Written by: sirin k
Last updated by: sirin k
Created on: Jul 25, 2020
Last updated: 3 years ago
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