myEleasticSearchAlternative ¶
This article is for those who have dealt with the complexity of Elasticsearch or any other indexing machines and are looking for an easier way to index the existing database without additional effort.
The sample code is adapted for the yii framework, but because of its simplicity it can easily be ported to other frameworks like symphony.
Why this post? ¶
The amount of data increases every day. As a result, the search in the databases becomes longer and longer. Conventional data structures must be realigned in order to be able to access information more quickly. There are already database systems like Elasticsearch that can do this. However, such systems also have disadvantages.
The most noticeable major drawbacks are:
- Learning a new query language. SQL won’t get you far or is not flexible enough.
- The existing programs must be rewritten in order to process the new result sets appropriately.
- The safety regulations must be defined again.
- A second database must be set up, which in principle contains the same data.
Who will benefit from this post? ¶
This information is useful for any programmer who wants to integrate an index database into his existing system in a simple way without additional effort.
The basic idea behind Indexing-machines ¶
We will use this simple Table to demonstrate what an Index-machine does
Tablename: object
4711 Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when all about you …
4712 John Magee I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth and danced the skies on laugher-silvered wings …
4713 Wiliam Wordsworth Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance…
With this request we can find very specific texts in this single table:
SELECT ID, Title, Description
FROM object
WHERE Description like '%head%'
But what if we want to find ‚%head%‘ in all tables of our database? We have to write a code to do this job for us. This is inefficent and will work very slowy. The idea behind Elasticsearch and other indexing tables is – so far I understood – to break the strings in single tokens. That means in a very easy way that we have to transform the horicontal order of the table into a vertical order.
Tablename: ncp_index
1001 object Description 4711 if
1002 object Description 4711 you
1003 object Description 4711 can
1010 object Description 4712 I
1011 object Description 4712 have
1012 object Description 4712 slipped
We can tokenize any field of any table of our database into the table ncp_index. Now we can find with a single query very fast any (tokenized) word in our hole database.
SELECT Tablenname, Fieldname, Token
FROM ncp_index
WHERE Token like '%head%'
That is the secret of any Index-Searchengine. Yes, the ncp_index table has a lot of redundant data that we can normalize as follows:
Every field is stored in a system table and has a unique id. let us call it field_id Every content of a field has a lot of same words. These words should be stored only once in a separat words-table.
Our ncp_index table looks now so:
1001 123 4711 1
1002 123 4711 2
1003 123 4711 3
1010 123 4712 4
1011 123 4712 5
1012 123 4712 6
Systemtable: fields
122 object Name
123 object Description
Tablename: word
1 if
2 you
3 can
Some basic examples ¶
* @author ncp <>
class NCPSearch
* @param $model
* @param $tablename
* @param $fieldnames
public static function delete_ncp_search_item($model, $tablename) {
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->condition = "tablename = :tablename " .
"AND id = :id ";
$criteria->params[":tablename"] = $tablename;
$criteria->params[":id"] = $model->uid;
* @param $model
* @param $tablename
* @param $fieldnames
public static function update_ncp_search_item($model, $tablename, $fieldnames) {
NCPSearch::delete_ncp_search_item($model, $tablename);
NCPSearch::insert_ncp_search_item($model, $tablename, $fieldnames);
* @param $model
* @param $tablename
* @param $fieldnames
public static function insert_ncp_search_item($model, $tablename, $fieldnames) {
foreach ($fieldnames as $fieldname) {
$NCP_index_model = new NCPIndexModel("create");
$NCP_index_model->tablename = $tablename;
$NCP_index_model->fieldname = $fieldname;
$NCP_index_model->id = $model->uid;
// a very simple way to tokenize the strings!
$raw = strip_tags($model->{$fieldname});
$tokens = explode( ' ', $raw);
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$NCP_token_model = new NCPTokenModel("create");
$NCP_token_model->NCP_index_uid = $NCP_index_model->uid;
$NCP_token_model->token = $token;
* @param $models
* @param $tablename
* @param $fieldnames
public static function insert_ncp_search_items($models, $tablename, $fieldnames) {
foreach ($models as $model) {
NCPSearch::insert_ncp_search_item($model, $tablename, $fieldnames);
// main.php:
// initialize ncp_search table once with all tables which has to be indexed in the main function
NCPSearch::insert_ncp_search_items(UserModel::model()->findAll(), "user", ["login", "mail", "name_last", "name_first"]);
NCPSearch::insert_ncp_search_items(DepartmentModel::model()->findAll(), "department", ["title", "description"]);
NCPSearch::insert_ncp_search_items(ObjectModel::model()->findAll(), "object", ["title", "description"]);
// model.php:
class Object : Model
function afterSave() {
// insert this code to synchronize the informations on ncp_index
if ($this->status === ObjectStatus::DELETED)
NCPSearch::delete_ncp_search_item($this, "object");
NCPSearch::update_ncp_search_item($this, "object", ["title", "description"]);
Conclusion ¶
These are my basic observations on this subject. These are the first steps to a search-engine that can index existing tables so that informations can be found quickly.
Thanks to ¶
Translated with
Additional Information
Algorithm of misspelled words
e.g. "Field Poppy"
uppercase the word: FIELD POPPY
remove duplicate letters and white spaces: FIELDPOY
sort letters: DEFILOPY
Create binary code based on the letters A-Z
1: the letter is present in the word
0: the letter is not in word
Now you can also search for misspelled words of "Field Poppy".
The letters can even be wildly confused!
Searching for "00011100100100110000000010" will find all words containing the letters of F,I,E,L,D,P,O and Y.
Counting the found binaries in the binary code will give us an grad of accurancy.
For example we are searching for "FIELD" and we will found this binary codes of saved words:
Word ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ FIELD 00011100100100000000000000 sum: 5 of 5 = 100% Word ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ FIELD POPPY 00011100100100110000000010 sum: 8 of 5 = 62,5%
Data indexing (see ncp_search_engine) can be used for a chronological trend analysis to determine forecasts that can serve as a control tool for a company. It brings more clarity to questions such as "What is the average opinion/mood about the new product?"
First, the words must be weighted between a scale of -10 to 10. The feedback from customers, for example, is indexed.
(1) Is the weighted word list
(2) Is the indexed table (e.g. feedback or forum post). The column "Weight" is determined from the word list.
I used Excel here to make a demonstrative pivot analysis.
Marked the range from E2 to G14 and select the pivot chart
Select the columns in this order: Time, word and weighting.
The periods can be "compressed", i.e. they are combined from days to months and from months to years etc.
Here is an overview of the overall trend of the feedback.
German translation
I think it is better to use fulltext search that is already part of your RDBMS, than rolling your own. I am using Postgresql fulltext search (in Yii2 application of course) and while it is not as advanced as Elasticsearch, I believe for most use cases it is the right tool.
How to build a search-engine with MySQL
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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