Implementing a Registration Process using the yii-user-management module

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Hi Folks,

in this page i want to show you how to implement your own registration process using the yii-user-management module. This document is also included in the docs/ directory of the module.

We want our user to only register with a email address and requires him to add some information about him in a text area.

We also do not want him to enter a password. The password should be automatically generated and send to him by Email.

This differs from the example registration logic provided by yii-user-management. We are going to extend the provided classes and change the places that are necessary. In Yum all classes are prefixed with Yum for exactly this purpose.

Lets assume you have the profile and the registration submodule of the yii-user-management installed. You will have the following directory structure:



1.) Overriding YumRegistrationController

Create a file RegistrationController.php in your project-specific controllers/ directory containing some code like this:

class RegistrationController extends YumRegistrationController {


This class extends the YumRegistrationController and has all the abilities that the yum registration class has. We will adjust the behavior of this controller later.

2.) Adjusting the registration view files

Now we create the view directory for our new created controller and copy our example view files over there:

$ cd /path/to/my/webapp/protected
$ mkdir views/registration
$ cp modules/registration/views/registration/* views/registration

Our new Controller now uses this view file for its rendering.

We change the registration.php to look something like this:

<h2> My Registration Page </h2>

<p> Hi there, please enter your E-Mail address and drop a note about you </p>

<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array(Yum::t('Registration')); ?>

<div class="form">
<?php $activeform = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(

<?php echo Yum::requiredFieldNote(); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::errorSummary(array($form, $profile)); ?>

<div class="row"> <?php
echo $activeform->labelEx($profile,'about');
echo $activeform->textArea($profile,'about');
?> </div>  
<div class="row submit">
	<?php echo CHtml::submitButton(Yum::t('Registration')); ?>

<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

3.) Changing the Controller Behavior

override the actionRegistration() of your Controller like this:

public function actionRegistration() {
		$profile = new YumProfile;

		if (isset($_POST['Profile'])) { 
			$profile->attributes = $_POST['YumProfile'];

				$user = new YumUser;
				$password = YumUser::generatePassword();
				$user->register(md5($profile->email), $password, $profile);

				$this->sendRegistrationEmail($user, $password);
				Yum::setFlash('Thank you for your registration. Please check your email.');

		$this->render('registration', array(
					'profile' => $profile,

Now, we also need to override the sendRegistrationEmail method, because we want to include the clear-text password in the email:

public function sendRegistrationEmail($user, $password) {
			if (!isset($user->profile->email)) {
				throw new CException(Yum::t('Email is not set when trying to send Registration Email'));
			$activation_url = $user->getActivationUrl();

			if (is_object($content)) {
					$body = strtr('Hi, {email}, your new password is {password}. Please activate your account by clicking this link: {activation_url}', array(
								'{email}' => $user->profile->email,
								'{password}' => $password,
								'{activation_url}' => $activation_url));

				$mail = array(
						'from' => Yum::module('registration')->registrationEmail,
						'to' => $user->profile->email,
						'subject' => 'Your registration on my example Website',
						'body' => $body,
				$sent = YumMailer::send($mail);

			return $sent;

4.) Making the "about" field required.

create a file models/Profile.php that extends the YumProfile:

class Profile extends YumProfile {

	function rules() {
		$rules = parent::rules();
		$rules[] = array('about', 'required');
		return $rules;

5.) Thats it. Thanks to the good OOP-paradigma, in general, and the strict usage of yii & yum, its really easy to adjust the logic. Even more complicated (or simpler) registration techniques can easily be implemented.