Using Pear Mail Mail_Mime and Mail_Queue

  1. Step 1:
  2. Step 2:

Step 1:

Create a component (/protected/components/PearMail.php) Edit this as needed based on where you put the files from PEAR.

 * Controller for the members
 * PHP Version 5.1
 * @category Vencidi
 * @package  Mail
 * @author   Loren
 * @license MIT

require_once 'Mail.php'; // PEAR Mail
require_once 'Mail/mime.php'; // PEAR Mail_mime
require_once 'Mail/Queue.php'; // PEAR Mail_queue
require_once 'Mail/Queue/Container/mdb2.php'; // PEAR Mail_queue mdb2

 * Controller for the members
 * PHP Version 5.1
 * @category Vencidi
 * @package  Mail
 * @author   Loren
 * @license MIT
 * @link Vencidi
 * @since    3.0
class PearMail extends CComponent
     * @var string the default layout for the views.
    public $layout = 'main';

     * @var array Database options for Mail_Queue
    public $db_options = array(
        'type'      => 'mdb2',
        'dsn'       => '', // Set in init
        'mail_table'=> 'mail_queue',

     * @var array Mail options for Mail
    public $mail_options = array(
        'driver'    => 'smtp',
        'host'      => 'ssl://', // or omit ssl:// for non ssl
        'port'      => 465, // or 25 for non-ssl
        'auth'      => true, // or false if you don't need it
        'username'  => '',
        'password'  => ''

     * @var String From PearMail for PearMails
    public $from = ""; // could omit this and change setting below

     * @var int Max PearMails to send at a time
    public $max_PearMails = 30;

     * Component Init Function
     * @return void
    public function init()

     * Sets up the database connection information from Yii
     * @return void
    public function dbSetup()
        $connection = Yii::app()->db;
        $cstring = $connection->connectionString;
        $match = array();
        preg_match("@mysql:host=([^;]+);dbname=([^/]+)@", $cstring, $match);
        $this->db_options['dsn'] = "mysql://".$connection->username.":".

     * Add an EMail to the Mail Queue
     * @param String $replyto    Reply To Email Address
     * @param String $to         To Email Address
     * @param String $subject    Email Subject
     * @param String $text       Email Text Body
     * @param String $html       Email HTML Body
     * @param Array  $attachment Attachments associative array('file'=>name or contents, $a['cType']=>content type (eg text/plain), $a['name']=>file name for the attachment (eg test.txt), $a['isFile']=>true or false if 'file' is a file (true) or is the contents (false));
     * @return void
    public function queueMail($replyto,$to,$subject,$text,$html,$attachment=array())
        $mail_queue =& new Mail_Queue(

        $crlf = "\n";

        $headers = array(
            'From'          => $this->from, // If you omit from above, change this to $replyto
            'To'            => $to,
            'Reply-To'      => $replyto,
            'Return-Path'   => $replyto,
            'Subject'       => $subject,
        $mime = new Mail_mime($crlf);

        // Set Up PearMail

        // Attachment
        foreach ($attachment as $a) {
            $mime->addAttachment($a['file'], $a['cType'], $a['name'], $a['isFile']);

        // Set body and headers ready for base mail class
        $body = $mime->get();
        $headers = $mime->headers($headers, true);

        $mail_queue->put($replyto, $to, $headers, $body);

     * Send EMail(s) from the Mail Queue
     * @return void
    public function sendMail()
        $mail_queue =& new Mail_Queue(

Step 2:

Create a command to send the mail (/protected/commands/MailCommand.php)

 * Send Emails via Cron
 * PHP Version 5.1
 * @category Mail
 * @package  Vencidi
 * @author   Loren
 * @license MIT
 * @link Vencidi
 * @since    3.0
 * Send Emails via Cron
 * PHP Version 5.1
 * @category Mail
 * @package  Vencidi
 * @author   Loren
 * @license MIT
 * @link Vencidi
 * @since    3.0
class MailCommand extends CConsoleCommand

     * Returns the held message
     * @return void
    public function getHelp()
        $output = <<<EOD

    This command will send out a set of emails and check for reminders and notes.


     * Execute the action.
     * @param array $args command line parameters specific for this command
     * @return void
    public function run($args)
        $mail = Yii::app()->pearMail;
        $status = $mail->sendMail();



Step 3: Run the command "yiic mail" (run from the protected directory) as a cron job.

Step 4: Use it in controllers by importing it in your config file

'application.components.*', (or 'application.components.PearMail',)

and adding

$mail = Yii::app()->pearMail;
// Set up message body and attachments here
foreach ($member as $m) {
    $to = $m->email;
    // Possibly edit the body here
    $mail->queueMail($from, $to, $subject, $text, $html, $attach);
7 0
Viewed: 16 186 times
Version: 1.1
Category: How-tos
Written by: Loren
Last updated by: Loren
Created on: May 12, 2011
Last updated: 13 years ago
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