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CHtml::ajaxLink(), CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton() and similar methods are great, but if they are located inside a portion of the page that is already loaded via ajax something bad will happen, something you may even not notice if you are not using tools like firebugs: the sent ajax requests will multiply themselves.
What's going on exactly? ¶
Let's set up an example:
you have a page with a list of users. Every time you click on a username a div will be loaded via ajax, and this div will contain the user details plus another ajax link that will be used to display a floating div that will contain a form to send a message to the user.
The first time you load the user everything will be going just fine, and when you click on the "send a private message to the user" link just one request will be triggered.
If you load then another user (or the same user) when you click on the "send a message" link two request will be triggered, and then 3, and then 4 and so on.
What's causing the problem? ¶
The ajax request are triggered based on the link ID. Every time the div is reloaded through ajax a new delegate/event will be loaded pointing at the same ID of the one before him. So when you actually click on the link both delegates will do their job, because both match the clicked link.
What can I do to avoid this problem? ¶
The answer is extremely simple: assign to your ajax link a random ID.
You can achieve this result doing something like this:
CHtml::ajaxLink('send a message', '/message',
array('replace' => '#message-div'),
array('id' => 'send-link-'.rand())
Relying on rand() could make the 1 in 30,000 chance of failure very difficult to debug when it happens.
RAND_MAX on some systems could be as low as around 32,000 meaning that eventually if the site is used enough rand() should statistically return the same value for 2 versions of the content div. If the site is dependent on only having one AJAX request generated then this will fail in a way that is almost impossible to replicate. If this is considered the best technique then perhaps an incrementing counter could be used, or better still, use jQuery when processing the AJAX request to cancel the all event listeners for the link.
you can use uniqid() and time() still
rand was just an example of a possible solution, you can use more accurate functions to generate the random string like time(), uniqid() or microtime()
I think this is an easy solution, but this is only workaround which hides the real problem, isn't it?
The real cause of multiple ajax requests is that ajaxLink() uses 'live' to bind an event by default. So when you render a part of HTML along with javascript code then you have multiple handlers binded to the same HTML element.
So usually you can whether:
Maybe you have some other case, but I faced this problem many times and it definitely can be solved without such workaround.
But also I think you described a really easy solution which can be acceptable in some cases.
of course the easy solution is a workaround :P
the main point of the article is making you aware of what causing the problem...
the best thing would be of course not to load any additional js binding the same link more then once
Other workaround
In my opinion, the problem is the clientChange function of CHtml.
Why to register a script and not output the ajax stuff directly if used in a ajax area?
I have detected this article after the release of the extension ajaxutil
It should be easy to add a option 'directOut' to the ajaxOptions of CHtml::ajaxXX elements
in the Yii core - see me feature request ajax-handling
Besides: The extension handles the problems with pagers, when loaded inside an ajax area too.
Just had the same problem
thanks for starting this post.
This is what worked for me:
In the htmlOptions array of your ajaxLink, give the link an id of uniqid()
Then possibly in your controller you'll need to disable unnecessary loading of .js files. Check the net tab in firebug to make sure your app is not requesting the same .js files everytime you do an ajax post...
Yii::app()->clientScript->scriptMap['*.js'] = false;
avoid multiple ajax request on CHtml
to avoid ajax request on CHtml, just use CHtml::$liveEvents=false;
or CHtml::ajaxLink('label','url',array(),array('live'=>false));
i usually place this on beforeAction($action) controller method;
on controller:
public function beforeAction($action){
edited: not work on CHtml::ajaxLink method
but with CHtml::$liveEvents=false; you can use Yii::app()->clientScript->('unbindAjax','$("#ajaxLinkId").unbind("click")');
for every ajax request that have CHtml::ajaxLink to avoid multiple ajax request.
A different solution
I have been given the run around by this problem for 2 days... I had multiple forms being renderPartial'd over and over via ajax calls.
I have found the following neat Yii based solution which seems to work for me - as ever you mileage may vary.
So you have a _form being rendered from a view:
<?php echo $this->renderPartial('_form', array('model'=>$model)); ?>
In the _form partial view you have and ajaxlink/submit button etc
echo CHtml::ajaxLink( 'Or create new', '/index.php?r=customer/create', array( 'success'=>'function(data){ $("#popup").show("slow"); $("#popup").html(data); }' ), array("id"=>"createnewcustomer", "live"=>false) ); ?>
The key to not have the element be bound multiple times to the js is to put "live"=>false as one of the HTML options: from:
live: boolean, whether the event handler should be attached with live/delegate or direct style. If not set, liveEvents will be used. This option has been available since version 1.1.6.
direct style seems to attach to this element and this element only, and once. Add this to all your ajaxLink ajaxSubmitButtons etc and the problem may go away for you
HTH someone.. nearly killed me !
when we click on ajaxlink the previous ajaxlink is working
please look at the problem
the forum post
this is related to this topic
if(isset($_REQUEST['name']) and $_REQUEST['name']!=NULL) { echo CHtml::ajaxLink("name", Yii::app()->createUrl('/site/manage' ), array('type' =>'GET','data' =>array( 'name' => $name,'admissionnumber'=>'','Students[batch_id]'=>$bat ),'dataType' => 'text', 'update' =>'#student_panel_handler',array())); } if(isset($_REQUEST['admissionnumber']) and $_REQUEST['admissionnumber']!=NULL) { echo CHtml::ajaxLink("add.No", Yii::app()->createUrl('/site/manage' ), array('type' =>'GET','data' =>array( 'name' => $name,'admissionnumber'=>'','Students[batch_id]'=>$bat ),'dataType' => 'text', 'update' =>'#student_panel_handler',array())); } if(isset($_REQUEST['Students']['batch_id']) and $_REQUEST['Students']['batch_id']!=NULL) { echo CHtml::ajaxLink("Batch", Yii::app()->createUrl('/site/manage' ), array('type' =>'GET','data' =>array( 'name' => $name,'admissionnumber'=>'','Students[batch_id]'=>$bat ),'dataType' => 'text', 'update' =>'#student_panel_handler',array())); } <?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('A', Yii::app()->createUrl('/site/manage' ),array('data' =>array('name' =>$name,'admissionnumber'=>$ad,'Students[batch_id]'=>$bat, 'val' => 'A'),'dataType' => 'text','update'=>'#student_panel_handler'),array()); <?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('B', Yii::app()->createUrl('/site/manage' ),array('data' =>array('name' =>$name,'admissionnumber'=>$ad,'Students[batch_id]'=>$bat, 'val' => 'B'),'dataType' => 'text','update'=>'#student_panel_handler'),array()); <?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('C', Yii::app()->createUrl('/site/manage' ),array('data' =>array('name' =>$name,'admissionnumber'=>$ad,'Students[batch_id]'=>$bat, 'val' => 'C'),'dataType' => 'text','update'=>'#student_panel_handler'),array()); <?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('D', Yii::app()->createUrl('/site/manage' ),array('data' =>array('name' =>$name,'admissionnumber'=>$ad,'Students[batch_id]'=>$bat, 'val' => 'C'),'dataType' => 'text','update'=>'#student_panel_handler'),array());
the first 3 links are active only after some submit.
after that when we click on that "name" link the link "A" with previous values are working..
like that
when we click on that "add.No" link the link "B" with previous values are working..
when we click on that "Batch" link the link "C" with previous values are working..
this is the problem. the link shown is correct but working is previous one.
Found solution
my conclusion
ok, here is what I found out and how this post helped me:
when using CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton or CHtml::AjaxLink
1 all the time CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton and CHtml::AjaxLink should be used with 'live'=>false and should have an unique id:
array('id'=>'uniqueId', 'live'=>false)
2 if it is a normal request then it should look like this:
$this->renderPartial('_view', array( 'model'=> $model, ), false, false);
3 if it is an AJAX request, then if should look like:
$this->renderPartial('_view', array( 'model'=> $model, ), false, true);
All this result in the following controller action code:
public function actionActionName($id, $processOutput = false){ if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) { $processOutput = true; } ... $this->renderPartial('_view', array( 'model'=> $model, ), false, $processOutput);
In this way all the time when it's an AJAX request, the javaScript code is rebind to the element.
hope that this helps someone...
Re: Workaround
In my case, I constantly update the content of a CJuiDialog through ajax.
Assigning a uniqueID is a quick fix, but not using the live handler (which binds the event to the document) seems to be the proper solution: ('htmlOptions' => array('live'=>false)).
EDIT: assigning a uniqueID is required too:
('htmlOptions' => array('live'=>false, 'id'=>uniqid('ytajax'))).
Multiple Confirmation Dialog in CGridView
May be this is not so correct place to ask, but in the forum I could not find the answer and no body give me a solution.
I have a
section. With ajax link I load into this<div>
my first CGridView (A). On selection change in the (A) a load to the same<div>
the second CGridView (B). With the ajax link in this page I can return to the (A) again. Last column of the (A) contains CButtonColumn, by which I can delete the row of the (A). Before deleting it shows a confirmation dialog. After traversing between CGridViews (A and B) if I delete a row in the (A) it shows multiple time (as much as I traversed between A and B) a confirmation dialog asking weather do I like to delete the row. Why this is so? I also added to the delete button 'id'=>'deleteBtn'.uniqid(), but this is not helped?Multiple Confirmation Dialog in CGridView (and dropdownList)
Hi Bakhtiyor,
I have exactly the same situation as yourself. This worked for me:
CGridView uses 'class' - not 'id'
CGridView binds its script to its button's 'class' - not its 'id'.
(Note the 'options' of the button - not the 'htmloptions' of the buttoncolumn.)
array( 'class'=>'bootstrap.widgets.TbButtonColumn', 'htmlOptions' => array( 'nowrap'=> 'nowrap' ), 'header'=>'', 'template'=>'{icdelete}', 'buttons'=>array( 'icdelete'=>array( 'label'=> 'Delete', 'icon' => false, 'imageUrl'=>Yii::app()->baseUrl.'/images/css/gridview/delete.png', 'url'=>'$this->grid->controller->createUrl("deletemm2", array( "parentId" => '.$parentId.', "idValue" => $data->primaryKey, ))', /* These options prevent the loading of additional scripts (for the 'click' event below) when the view is ajax injected. */ 'options'=>array( 'live' => false, 'class' => uniqid(), ), 'click'=>"function(){ mm2_confirm_delete( '#divToUpdate', $(this).attr('href') ); return false; }", ), ), ),
I also experienced the same problems with dropdownList, but here we are back to using the 'id' - not the 'class':
echo CHtml::dropDownList('myDrop1', '', $addListData, array( 'class' => 'singleline actiondropdown', 'size' => '1', 'prompt' => 'Add a new Level', 'live' => false, 'id' => uniqid(), 'ajax' => array( 'type' => 'GET', 'url' => $this->createUrl('createchild'), 'data' => array( 'parentId' => $parentId, 'dropdownId'=> 'js:this.value', ), 'beforeSend' => 'function(){ loadingGif_in(); }', 'success' => 'function(response){ $("#divToUpdate").html(response); loadingGif_out(); }', 'error' => 'function(jqXHR, status, error){ alert (error + ": " + jqXHR.responseText); loadingGif_out(); }', ), ) );
Alternative solution for dropdownList
Do not use the dropdownList's built-in ajax, but use its 'onchange' event to call your own js function containing the ajax.
$url = $this->createUrl('createchild'); echo CHtml::dropDownList('myDrop1', '', $addListData, array( 'class' => 'singleline', 'size' => '1', 'prompt' => 'Add a new Level', 'onchange' => "dropdownlistAjax( '".$url."', '".$parentId."', this.value, '#divToUpdate'); ", ) );
function dropdownlistAjax($url, $parentId, $dropdownId, $divToUpdate) { try{ var request = $.ajax({ url : $url, data : {parentId: $parentId, dropdownId: $dropdownId}, type : "GET", cache : false, dataType : "html" }); request.done(function(response){ //update the view with the data received from the server $($divToUpdate).html(response); request = null; }); request.error(function(jqXHR, status, error){ alert (error + ": " + jqXHR.responseText); request = null; }); } catch(error){ alert(error.message + '. ' + 'Please contact us.'); request = null; return false; } }
Thanks Gerhard
Thank you Gerhard, your solution helped me. Really appreciate it.
Multiple Confirmation Dialog in CGridView (new problem)
Dear Gerhard,
Your solution partly helped me out. The confirmation does not work just after you made some pagination. This is because every time uniqid() generates a new ID. I do not know how to pass the data->id to the html options to that CButtonColumn buttons. Have you any idea?
@Bakhtiyor M.
Not clear!! can you please explain with forum post.
Sorry Rajith R , did not get you
Sorry Rajith R I did not get your question? What was requested from me?
@Bakhtiyor M.
please explain your question with sample code .
please do it in a forum post, not here. you will get the answer.
Sorry Rajith R
Excuse me Rajith R, if I break some rules here. The question was asked in the forum. You can find it by the link:
Strange Situation In Using Cgridview Doubling delete confirmation
But I did not get any useful answer there. Then I have found this documentation. And just in case of luck I have asked that question again here. Gerhard helped me out (even partly).
@Bakhtiyor M.
dont say sorry!! i think , you will get more answers from forum, Thts y i suggest it.!!
CGridView in CJuiTabs ajaxTab
Hi Bakhtiyor M
This is what I ended up doing - for now: CGridView in Iframe in CJuiTabs
Thanks Gerhard
Thanks Gerhard, I have postponed the solution for the better days (cause I have a limit of time till the deadline). So I will try your solution later. For these days I hope nobody will use pagination :).
setting the id in a ajaxlink
I'm using some bootstrap extension.
As I was fighting this problem a long time I have come to the solution through some other post where was more clearly mentioned "id has to be in the htmlOptions array..."
So this works:
$this->widget( 'bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', array( 'encodeLabel' => false, 'buttonType' => 'submit', 'type' => 'danger', 'label' => 'Delete', 'htmlOptions' => array( 'style' => 'float:right;', 'id' => uniqid(), //has to be in htmlOptions ... 'ajax' => array( 'type' => 'POST', 'url' => Yii::app()->createUrl('controller/action', array('id' => $model->id)), 'success' => 'js:function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { $.fn.yiiGridView.update("source-grid"); $("#dialogDelete").dialog("close"); }', 'error' => 'js:function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(textStatus); }', ), ), ) );
Nested gridviews "too much recursion"
I'm using the YiiBooster TbExtendedGridview with relational columns that display a nested gridview of related records when clicked. I used Gerhard's method of applying the following the the delete button columns in the nested gridviews:
'options'=>array( 'live' => false, 'class' => uniqid(), ),
It works the first time I delete a record from one of the nested grids, but if I display another nested grid and try to delete a record, I get a JS error message:
too much recursion if (options.realsuccess) {
Send To an Action
Now how can I send the random ID's to an Action on Controll?
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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