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I can see many questions regarding configuring the path using Windows OS. I could hardly get the right information about it. The cook book has defined for Linux. So I would like to share my idea on it. To configure the Yii path using Windows OS,
- Open command prompt.
- Type the following command:
E:\xampp\php>php.exe E:/xampp/htdocs/yii/framework/yiic webapp E:/xampp/htdocs/blog
- Promptly you will get an notification: Create a Web application under 'E:\xampp\htdocs\blog'? [Yes|No]
- Press Y
- Related directories,subdirectories and files will be created
- Now you can access yii framework. :)
E:\xampp\php>php.exe E:/xampp/htdocs/yii/framework/yiic webapp E:/xampp/htdocs/blog
Create a Web application under 'E:\xampp\htdocs\blog'? [Yes|No] y
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog
generate index-test.php
generate index.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/themes
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/themes/classic
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/themes/classic/views
generate themes/classic/views/.htaccess
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/themes/classic/views/system
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/themes/classic/views/site
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/themes/classic/views/layouts
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected
generate protected/.htaccess
generate protected/yiic
generate protected/yiic.bat
generate protected/yiic.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/views
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/views/site
generate protected/views/site/contact.php
generate protected/views/site/error.php
generate protected/views/site/index.php
generate protected/views/site/login.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/views/site/pages
generate protected/views/site/pages/about.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/views/layouts
generate protected/views/layouts/column1.php
generate protected/views/layouts/column2.php
generate protected/views/layouts/main.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/tests
generate protected/tests/bootstrap.php
generate protected/tests/phpunit.xml
generate protected/tests/WebTestCase.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/tests/unit
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/tests/report
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/tests/functional
generate protected/tests/functional/SiteTest.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/tests/fixtures
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/runtime
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/models
generate protected/models/ContactForm.php
generate protected/models/LoginForm.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/messages
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/extensions
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/data
generate protected/data/schema.mysql.sql
generate protected/data/schema.sqlite.sql
generate protected/data/testdrive.db
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/controllers
generate protected/controllers/SiteController.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/config
generate protected/config/console.php
generate protected/config/main.php
generate protected/config/test.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/components
generate protected/components/Controller.php
generate protected/components/UserIdentity.php
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/commands
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/protected/commands/shell
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/images
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/css
generate css/bg.gif
generate css/form.css
generate css/ie.css
generate css/main.css
generate css/print.css
generate css/screen.css
mkdir E:/xampp/htdocs/blog/assets
Your application has been created successfully under E:\xampp\htdocs\blog.
i'm a newbie so...
Please correct me if I'm wrong!
The problem I see with the above configuration is that you have left the core framework files accessible under the webRoot and could be accessed by a user if this were the setup used in a production environment.
In my development environment, for example, I place all my versions of the yii framework under c:\yii\yii-version number.
NB// The reason I have different versions to use is so I can try different tutorials using the same yii version as the tutorial.
My webRoot directory, using WAMP, is C:\wamp\www\
I only use one version of PHP so I have added it's location to my path variable (right click My Computer > environment variables > path > add location to php.exe). This makes accessing it from the command line a little easier, that's all.
So, when it comes to setting up a webApp using yiic, I would use the following:
Open the command prompt: Run>cmd.exe
Change the directory to point to the framework folder in the version of yii that you are using so you can access the yiic.bat file
c:> cd path\to\yiic or in my setup I would type cd c:\yii\yii-1.1.7.r3135\framework resulting in:
Now. at this prompt, I would type yiic webapp c:\wamp\www\example
This would create a new webApp called 'Example' under my webRoot directory.
You can easily change where your webApp looks for base yii.php by opening and editing the first couple of lines inthe applications entry script index.php located in this example at c:\wamp\www\example\index.php.
$yii=dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../yii/yii-1.1.7.r3135/framework/yii.php'; $config=dirname(__FILE__).'/protected/config/main.php';
I am also in the habit of moving my config/main.php file outside of the webRoot directory and updating its new location in the index.php file as per the above.
May be following link help you a lot
I think you can have a look on following link-
Install and configure Yii, an easy way
With Thanks,
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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