We are very excited to announce the stable release of Yii Framework v1.1!
This release marks a major milestone in the Yii framework development. It represents more than one year's hard work of the developer team and the Yii community. We hereby thanks to everyone who supports and contributes to Yii.
In this release, we include numerous new features to the already powerful Yii framework. We added a PHPUnit-based testing framework so that developers can more easily write unit tests and functional tests; We added a form builder so that commonly used HTML forms can be built in terms of objects and thus enhance their reusability; We added support for changing skins for widgets globally; We also modified the way of performing relational ActiveRecord queries so that they are more intuitive and easier to use.
Besides all these core feature enhancements, in this release we also include a set of official Yii extensions (under the name of the zii project). In this library, users may find many useful and powerful extensions, such as the whole set jQuery UI widgets, data grid, list view, detail view, and so on. All these further help to further enhance your rapid development experience using Yii.