We are very pleased to announce two releases of Yii Framework, 1.0.11 and 1.1 release candidate (RC).
The 1.0.11 release is a maintenance release over the previous 1.0 releases. It includes about ten bug fixes and many minor feature enhancements. Please check the change log for complete list of changes.
The 1.1 RC release is the last release before we formally release version 1.1 which represents more than one year of hard work from our developer team and the Yii user community. In this release, we included several useful components, such as CActiveDataProvider, CGridView, CListView, CDetailView, etc. They help to further improve the rapid application development (RAD) experience offered by Yii. Please check the change log for complete list of changes in this release.
We wish everyone has a wonderful holiday season!