Extensions tagged with "component"

Showing 1-8 of 8 items.


File System 0 2236
Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service component for Yii2
Created by Sugeng Sulistiyawan, a year ago.


Database 0 45
This extension provides the MeiliSearch integration for the Yii framework 2.0.
Created by zhuzixian520, 3 years ago.


Web Service 0 119
Hide emails and phone numbers from spam robots
Created by Vasadi-Balogh Tamás, 4 years ago.


User Interface 0 14605
Yii2 component to generate image thumnails of any size
Created by Gabriel A. López López, 5 years ago.


User Interface 0 4562
Inline Font Awesome Icons for Yii2 – without JavaScript
Created by Иван, 5 years ago.


Others 0 204
Ultralight language chooser for the Yii 2.0 framework
Created by Sjaakp, 5 years ago, updated 8 months ago.


Others 0 389
Yii2 integration for official [GoPay's PHP SDK for Payments REST API](https://github.com/gopaycommunity/gopay-php-api).
Created by speculatius, 6 years ago.


Others 0 0
Foundation classes and components used by Krajee Yii2 extensions
Created by Kartik V, 10 years ago.