
The Yii community has developed a great amount of extensions that provide a lot of useful functionality.

  • The extensions you find here are user contributed extensions.
  • There is also a set of extensions maintained by the Yii team, we call these official extensions.
Showing 949-960 of 1,438 items.


User Interface 17 3442
A jQuery combobox, based on autocomplete
Created by ianaré, 13 years ago.


User Interface 4 2230
Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS, &Yii
Created by morcen, 13 years ago.


User Interface 2 907
A jQuery timepicker plugin
Created by dinhtrung, 13 years ago.


User Interface 10 1297
Just another money mask for your money-related fields
Created by morcen, 13 years ago.


Security 14 3445
The suite you need to clean the input coming from users
Created by twisted1919, 13 years ago, updated 10 years ago.


Others 99 7042
NLSClientScript extends the CClientScript class smart loading javascript files and optionally merging/minifying js+css files
Created by nlac, 13 years ago, updated 10 years ago.


User Interface 7 6837
Module for dynamic widget creation and management
Created by schmunk, 13 years ago.


Database 1 1515
Client library for Riak key/value store
Created by intel352, 13 years ago.


Others 41 3011
Helper for running controller actions in background, cron and more.
Created by Joblo, 13 years ago, updated 11 years ago.


Others 4 620
highlight code by GeSHi engine
Created by Francis.TM, 13 years ago.


Database 3 1295
Behavior to convert DECIMAL columns in ActiveRecords to locale specific format
Created by Mike, 13 years ago.


User Interface 9 2743
A simple and sexy social network sharing widget
Created by ianaré, 13 years ago, updated 12 years ago.