Extensions in category File System

Showing 1-12 of 33 items.


File System 2 180
A file Manager Extension for TinyMCE, CK and Redactor editor to be used within Yii Framework 1.1
Created by omeraslam, 7 years ago.


File System 0 330
Yii module for generate data base table data as cvs format
Created by channasmcs, 10 years ago, updated 9 years ago.


File System 6 1081
A light weight PHP class allow to the creation of simple xls spreadsheets from array data.
Created by Nisanth thulasi, 10 years ago.


File System 2 486
Easy Export Gridview Data To PDF with PDF Factory
Created by ThePr0f3550r, 10 years ago.


File System 0 1301
Simple image editor for resizing, cropping and doing other elementary actions with images.
Created by wapmorgan, 11 years ago, updated 10 years ago.


File System 2 442
YUSH (Yii Upload Structure Helper) helps manage paths and URLs for uploaded resources
Created by waterloomatt, 11 years ago.


File System 6 1216
Simple images resizer extension
Created by ASAP, 12 years ago.


File System 2 889
by this module any one can upload multiple images
Created by sarthak, 12 years ago.


File System 4 0
Module to manage files and folders assets in a web application
Created by jwerner, 12 years ago.


File System 4 2904
This is an extension used to upload multiple files at a time with multiple extensions
Created by Manoj M, 12 years ago, updated 10 years ago.


File System 4 5136
Excel file reader for Yii Framework
Created by Michel Kogan, 12 years ago.


File System 5 0
Provides functions for manipulating git repositories
Created by phpnode, 13 years ago.