
The Yii community has developed a great amount of extensions that provide a lot of useful functionality.

  • The extensions you find here are user contributed extensions.
  • There is also a set of extensions maintained by the Yii team, we call these official extensions.
Showing 889-900 of 1,438 items.


User Interface 14 11929
WYSIWYG editor based on CKEditor
Created by limitless, 13 years ago, updated 9 years ago.


Others 1 512
Bring a smile on your user's face with Cornify!
Created by Da:Sourcerer, 13 years ago, updated 12 years ago.


File System 0 1262
SWFUpload combined with the power of Yii framework
Created by luochong, 13 years ago, updated 11 years ago.


Database 1 528
Behavior that eases the translation of project model dynamic content.
Created by kmdm, 13 years ago.


User Interface 46 5740
Gallery and Image Management for the end user.
Created by drumaddict, 13 years ago, updated 10 years ago.


User Interface 10 779
A Yii based sprite generator extension
Created by nisteve, 13 years ago, updated 12 years ago.


Caching 1 5816
combine, minify, compress, cache
Created by limitless, 13 years ago, updated 9 years ago.


Others 5 14823
ztree组件扩展, 关于树形菜单的扩展,功能比较强大
Created by jake451, 13 years ago.


Others 4 1495
Unit Test Generator For Basic Model Crud Operations.
Created by evan108108, 13 years ago.


Date and Time 21 3031
jquery date picker for persian calendar
Created by naser, 13 years ago.


Validation 2 1540
Validates password strength
Created by Ivica, 13 years ago.


User Interface 3 720
SqlTableView is a widget based on AutoCountGridView that displays the rows of a table efficiently.
Created by prekageo, 13 years ago.