
The Yii community has developed a great amount of extensions that provide a lot of useful functionality.

  • The extensions you find here are user contributed extensions.
  • There is also a set of extensions maintained by the Yii team, we call these official extensions.
Showing 445-456 of 1,438 items.


User Interface 31 2008
single and multiple file uploader using ajax jquery, drag & drop featured.
Created by bluyell, 12 years ago, updated 11 years ago.


Others 9 7116
An easy to install, mostly self-contained forum module
Created by Caliban, 12 years ago.


Others 0 203
Recursive directory import with caching
Created by seb, 12 years ago.


Others 3 502
A simple way to add Google Analytics to your application and includes options for advanced usage.
Created by MisterPhilip, 12 years ago.


User Interface 12 1270
Quickly setup ajax-delivered content into metaboxes.
Created by Fragoulas, 12 years ago, updated 11 years ago.


Database 0 433
An ActiveRecord that provides internationalization features.
Created by rontiki, 12 years ago, updated 11 years ago.


Database 0 275
Generate and saves values for sorting field.
Created by gallyamow, 12 years ago.


Others 0 332
Outputs colored and structured tabular variable information
Created by tamert, 12 years ago.


Date and Time 6 3512
DateTime picker with localization's support and current time instead zero in picker
Created by fad, 12 years ago.


Networking 7 0
curl wrapper for yii
Created by hackerone, 12 years ago, updated 11 years ago.


Others 74 0
Make it gorgeous. Do it fast.
Created by Antonio Ramirez, 12 years ago.


User Interface 1 387
Do you want add your tweets on your website? try this one :)
Created by nucreativa, 12 years ago.