
The Yii community has developed a great amount of extensions that provide a lot of useful functionality.

  • The extensions you find here are user contributed extensions.
  • There is also a set of extensions maintained by the Yii team, we call these official extensions.
Showing 1,357-1,368 of 1,438 items.


Security 5 1144
Use Kohana regexp to sanitize all user input
Created by xomaa, 15 years ago.


Security 2 930
ESanitizer - uses HTMLPurifier to sanitize all user input
Created by YorkSEO, 15 years ago.


Date and Time 25 4143
Automatic conversion for I18N date and datetime fields
Created by ricardograna, 15 years ago, updated 8 years ago.


Others 4 454
Performs simple widget's theme based logic for views
Created by kavolorn, 15 years ago.


User Interface 8 1328
Grid shows data and apply multiple actions on rows!!
Created by mariano2009, 15 years ago.


User Interface 1 2707
Search and filtration capabilities for data grids
Created by seb, 15 years ago.


Others 12 2203
Creates and parses languages codes in url (i18n)
Created by sidewinder, 15 years ago, updated 11 years ago.


Auth 46 39803
A web interface for administration of rbac (CDbAuthManager)
Created by Spyros, 15 years ago, updated 13 years ago.


Others 7 3345
Produces print output for selected html elements on a page
Created by kvl, 15 years ago.


Others 8 1098
Generates csv file output for selected tables on a page
Created by kvl, 15 years ago.


Logging 3 1780
Route Yii log messages directly to syslog / Windows Event Log
Created by eval, 15 years ago, updated 14 years ago.


Auth 3 2930
A simplified user authentication & registration module
Created by mocapapa, 15 years ago, updated 14 years ago.