Yiiwheels is the extension library for Yiistrap.
Now Bootstrap 3 Ready!
It differs from its ancestor YiiBooster, that it requires Yiistrap to work. Chris and I thought that this way would be easier to maintain, scale: leave bootstrap specific development to one library, where the other will focus on widgets creation.
Yiiwheels also encapsulates each widget on its own space, so its assets are published only if required. This way, you wont suffer delays because of publishing.
[](http://yiiwheels.2amigos.us)Requirements ¶
If you don't wish to have extra requirements, at 2amigOS! we have created one with a totally different approach (using namespaces and Yii2 look alike): 2amigOS! Custom YiiWheels
Resources ¶
ChangeLog ¶
- Updated to version v.2.0.+ (Bootstrap 3+ ready) 08/09/2014
- Update to version v.1.0.3 (more than 15 new widgets) 11/08/2013
- Created new stable version v.1.0.1 19/07/2013
- Fixed minor bugs 18/07/2013
- Published 17/07/2013
web development has never been so fun
good news !
I've been waiting for this release for a while... here it is !! cool !! thanks Antonio & Chris !
by the way : great logo ;)
Will upgrade Phundament ASAP.
@Raoul @schmunk
Will soon update the library to hold more widgets (those missing from YiiBooster) and plenty more I have on the case...
Need just a bit of time though.
Thank you Antonio, Chris.
You rock!
Great work.
Thinking about replacing yiibooster with yiistrap and yiiwheels in my project.
Hopefully once you have completed the documention for yiiwheels, you will have the time to write some tutorials for some of the widgets including the daterangepicker widget.
The site is being updated with sample code. We have also liberated the code of the site so you can view the guts of their configuration.
Daterangepicker is done. Once you change the value, it will update the text field.
For extra configuration at the pluginOptions, check its site. These widgets are much simpler to configure and use than YiiBooster, copy-clone the javascript configurations of the jquery plugin docs into pluginOptions attribute and you will be fine.
Is there an example which includes the controller, model, and view need to work with the widget
Is there an example which includes the controller, model, and view need to work with the widget
Thanks for Antonio & Crish
As usual, you guys have done great job.
Going to replace my app using Yii booster with Strap+Wheels once both get stable release !
You can use YiiWheels v.1.1 as a stable version (no tests written yet though)
For YiiStrap, I guess it won't take long till reached what is considered a stable version.
Nevertheless, your help would be highly appreciated... Please, post your issues on the issue tracker at github.
issue tracker
@Antonio Ramirez
Yeah I will do if i found out any issue after the change.
Get started
Am I mistaking if I say that the chapter Get Started 2.Configuration section of the site should include :
'yiiwheels' => array( 'class' => 'yiiwheels.YiiWheels', ),
... in the component declaration ?
Together always better!
Good that you guys joined forces, was hard to choose between Yii-Bootstrap and Yii-Booster:)
composer install
after installing yiiwheel via composer, all links in the top navbar are not working ! This is because YiiWheels required 2amigos/yiistrap which is a clone of crisu83/yiistrap. This original repo includes the fix for the navbar, but 2amigos/yiistrap does not.
why did you clone crisu83/yiistrap instead of using it directly as a requirement for yiiwheels ?
Am Having this issue.
Call to undefined method TbHtml::defaultOption()
yiiwheels\widgets\select2\WhSelect2.php on line 70
But I can't see the defaultOption function on TBHtml class.
What am missing?
Using Yiistrap already setup.
@raoul and @leo4all
I apologize for all the issues.
The reason why I choose a fork from Yiistrap instead of using it directly, is that the other library was changing far too much without taking care of BC compatibility, thus, forced me to work with my own version so I didn't have to change the projects constantly. I am going to fix that very soon... in the meantime, if you wish to have YiiStrap from http://getyiistrap.com directly + yiiwheels, you will have to use its version 1.0.0-beta. The next TAGGED version 1.0.2 will solve all these issues.
The reason why it fails is because of what I explained before... please use 1.0.0-beta and those problems will be solved.
@raoul and @leo4all
Please check the github of the demo site... I have updated the library now... will do the same with Yiinitializr. Is working fine, with the newest 1.0.1 version (I removed the dependency of WhHtml)
Yiinitializr has been also updated... Yiistrap latest version is on 2amigos/yiistrap 1.0.1 and 2amigos/yiiwheels 1.0.2 is working perfectly with it... (demo site runs with them)
ActiveForm + Redactor
as most of us here I'm about to switch from YiiBooster to YiiStrap + YiiWheels.
So far I've been using
how do I use the new approach for editors with YiiStrap active form?
Short tutorial on how to migrate from YiiBooster to YiiStrap + YiiWheels
I realize that Antonio is extremely busy these days, but maybe he can find the time to write a short tutorial on how to migrate from YiiBooster to YiiStrap + YiiWheels.
This would be a great help for me, and many other people.
I agree with @Lloyd
I'd really rather to use YiiWheels but I'm feeling a bit missed about it and I don't dare to use it yet. Maybe a short tutorial will help a lot to me and many other devs who want to draw away YiiBooster.
Switch & ToggleButton
does the Switch btn works ? for me its only showing white box, and the ToggleButton works, but the in the form the always 1 for both status!
bug in WhEditable & WhEditableField
Hey there,
just found a bug in the WhEditable.php && WhEditableField.php class
It's a reflection error when you change the app language to something other than english. Changing all Occasions of Editable to WhEditable will fix the error.
Great Extension
Thanks for this library, it is awesome. Just want to tell you that client/ajax validation is not working for WhDateTimePicker.
Great ! and a question
This is awesome guys !
Great integration into yii's awesome system.
Yet, while i can use the provided widgets, most of them don't display as good as in the samples.
For instance, the language bar doesn't display the flags.
The datepickers also have weird style.
Do you guys have the same experience ?
similar look to other fields
Hi Antonio,
I put my question (if not yet implemented, can it become a suggestion?) on this thread
Thank you in Advance.
A guide for integrate yiistrap/yiiwheels/yiibooster together
Actually, the author can modify the extention to avoid end users to manual replace by themselves.
An enhance for google chart widget
Can show Gauge and other types
A minor enhance for google chart widget.
Must Have Ext
One of the most useful extensions!
newbie use yiiwheels
I use yiiwheels version 1.0.4 but when i use WhDatePickerHelper
like this code :
<?php $tanggal = $this->widget('yiiwheels.widgets.formhelpers.WhDatePickerHelper', array( 'model' => $model, 'attribute' => 'CUR_DATE', 'inputOptions' => array('class' => 'input-medium'), 'name' => 'datepicker', ), true); ?> <?php echo $form->customControlGroup($tanggal, $model, 'CUR_DATE', array('span'=>6)); ?>
And show this error : TbActiveForm and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "customControlGroup".Please help me?
You may find this thread helpful. It's about getting the customControlGroup and customActiveControlGroup to work along with DatePicker. Good luck!
Great help
Thanks for this extension, it is awesome.
How To Use Yiistrap 1.x with YiiWheels 2.x?
YiiWheels is the extension library for Yiistrap. How to use YiiWheels 2.x with Yiistrap 1.x? The Yiistrap is created based on Bootstrap 2.x while the YiiWheels 2.x is created based on Bootstrap 3.x!! Please describe this issue.
Compatibility with Yii2
Is YiiWheels 2.0 compatible with Yii2?
@Samir IZZA
No, what we did is to pursue a different strategy for Yii2. We have created a huge amount of extensions (https://packagist.org/packages/2amigos/)[https://packagist.org/packages/2amigos/], that we were just waiting for the right moment (I think now is the time) for the extensions to mature. We are in the process to update our site and there would be a section where all our extensions will be extensively documented.
We just need some free time :)
@Masoud Sawari
There is no issue, YiiStrap has a branch that works with Bootstrap 3.*, and thats what is requiring.
The new version I am working on, won't have any YiiStrap dependency.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much Antonio!
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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