File Driver

File driver uses files to store queue data.

Configuration example:

return [
    'bootstrap' => [
        'queue', // The component registers own console commands
    'components' => [
        'queue' => [
            'class' => \zhuravljov\yii\queue\file\Queue::class,
            'path' => '@runtime/queue',


Console command is used to execute tasks.

yii queue/run

run command obtains and executes tasks in a loop until queue is empty. Works well with cron.

yii queue/listen [delay]

listen command launches a daemon which infinitely queries the queue. If there are new tasks they're immediately obtained and executed. delay is time in seconds to wait between querying a queue next time. This method is most effificient when command is properly daemonized via supervisor such as supervisord.

run and listen commands have options:

  • --verbose, -v: print executing statuses into console.
  • --isolate: verbose mode of a job execute. If enabled, execute result of each job will be printed.
  • --color: highlighting for verbose mode.
yii queue/info

info command prints out information about queue status.