Migrating from yii2-bootstrap

yii2-bootstrap4 is a major rewrite of the entire project (according Bootstrap 4 to Bootstrap 3 migration guide). The most notable changes are summarized below:


  • The namespace is yii\bootstrap4 instead of yii\bootstrap
  • npm package is used instead of bower
  • There is no theme asset any more
  • No popper.js is needed any more (gets delivered with bootstrap js bundle)

Widgets / Classes


Removed method icon. Since there are no glyphicons bundled any more, this method makes no sense. Consider using Font Awesome Widget or Font Awesome Inline Widget as alternative.


Following properties were renamed:

  • $checkboxTemplate became $checkTemplate,
  • $horizontalCheckboxTemplate became $checkHorizontalTemplate,
  • $horizontalRadioTemplate became $radioHorizontalTemplate

The properties $inlineCheckboxListTemplate and $inlineRadioListTemplate were removed. There is a new template called $checkEnclosedTemplate. In bootstrap 4 the checkboxes are not enclosed any more (by default).


There are some new constants yii\bootstrap4\ActiveForm::LAYOUT_DEFAULT, yii\bootstrap4\ActiveForm::LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL and yii\bootstrap4\ActiveForm::LAYOUT_INLINE. They're supposed to make layout selection easier and refactoring more failsafe if the strings change at any time.

This class got introduced to render breadcrumbs with correct classes and attributes to fulfill bootstrap needs. It's fully compatible with yii\widgets\Breadcrumbs


There is a new property called $direction which makes it possible to open the menu at e.g. the right side of the button. There are some new constants yii\bootstrap4\ButtonDropdown::DIRECTION_DOWN, yii\bootstrap4\ButtonDropdown::DIRECTION_LEFT, yii\bootstrap4\ButtonDropdown::DIRECTION_RIGHT and yii\bootstrap4\ButtonDropdown::DIRECTION_UP to make direction selection easier. There is a new property called $renderContainer. If it's set to false, the dropdown wrapping div will not be rendered.

Following properties were renamed:

  • $containerOptions became $options,
  • $options became $buttonOptions


This new class makes it possible to render a button toolbar. See https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/components/button-group/#button-toolbar for more information.

There is a new property called $crossfade. It controls the animation between slides. If it's set to true, there will be an crossfade animation instead of a slide animation.


This new class is the bootstrap version of yii\widgets\LinkPager. It renders a pagination in bootstrap style. See https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/components/pagination/ for more information.

Following properties were renamed:

  • $header became $title,
  • $headerOptions became $titleOptions

It isn't necessary to write the <h2 class="modal-title></h2> any more. It will be rendered automatically.

The $dropdDownCaret property was removed. This is only controllable via (S)CSS now. See https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/getting-started/theming/#sass-options

Following properties were renamed:

  • $containerOptions became $collapseOptions

Removed property $headerContent. There is no navbar header any more. The toggler is now customizable so the properties $togglerContent and $togglerOptions were introduced.


Introduces property $panes. It makes it possible to define pane contents via separate property instead of $items[0]['content']. The index of the panes array corresponds to the index of the items. E.g. $items[0] belongs to $panes[0].


There are some new constants yii\bootstrap4\ToggleButtonGroup::TYPE_CHECKBOX and yii\bootstrap4\ToggleButtonGroup::TYPE_RADIO to make type selection easier and refactoring more failsafe if the strings change at any time.