Class yii\bootstrap\BaseHtml

Inheritanceyii\bootstrap\BaseHtml » yii\helpers\Html
Available since extension's version2.0.5
Source Code

BaseHtml provides concrete implementation for yii\bootstrap\Html.

Do not use BaseHtml. Use yii\bootstrap\Html instead.

Public Methods

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Method Description Defined By
activeStaticControl() Generates a Bootstrap static form control for the given model attribute. yii\bootstrap\BaseHtml
checkboxList() yii\bootstrap\BaseHtml
error() yii\bootstrap\BaseHtml
icon() Composes icon HTML for bootstrap Glyphicons. yii\bootstrap\BaseHtml
radioList() yii\bootstrap\BaseHtml
staticControl() Renders Bootstrap static form control. yii\bootstrap\BaseHtml

Method Details

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activeStaticControl() public static method

Generates a Bootstrap static form control for the given model attribute.

See also staticControl().

public static string activeStaticControl ( $model, $attribute, $options = [] )
$model \yii\base\Model

The model object.

$attribute string

The attribute name or expression. See getAttributeName() for the format about attribute expression.

$options array

The tag options in terms of name-value pairs. See staticControl() for details.

return string

Generated HTML

                public static function activeStaticControl($model, $attribute, $options = [])
    if (isset($options['value'])) {
        $value = $options['value'];
    } else {
        $value = static::getAttributeValue($model, $attribute);
    return static::staticControl($value, $options);

checkboxList() public static method (available since version 2.0.8)

public static void checkboxList ( $name, $selection null, $items = [], $options = [] )

                public static function checkboxList($name, $selection = null, $items = [], $options = [])
    if (!isset($options['item'])) {
        $itemOptions = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'itemOptions', []);
        $encode = ArrayHelper::getValue($options, 'encode', true);
        $options['item'] = function ($index, $label, $name, $checked, $value) use ($itemOptions, $encode) {
            $options = array_merge([
                'label' => $encode ? static::encode($label) : $label,
                'value' => $value
            ], $itemOptions);
            return '<div class="checkbox">' . Html::checkbox($name, $checked, $options) . '</div>';
    return parent::checkboxList($name, $selection, $items, $options);

error() public static method (available since version 2.0.8)

public static void error ( $model, $attribute, $options = [] )

                public static function error($model, $attribute, $options = [])
    if (!array_key_exists('tag', $options)) {
        $options['tag'] = 'p';
    if (!array_key_exists('class', $options)) {
        $options['class'] = 'help-block help-block-error';
    return parent::error($model, $attribute, $options);

icon() public static method

Composes icon HTML for bootstrap Glyphicons.

See also

public static string icon ( $name, $options = [] )
$name string

Icon short name, for example: 'star'

$options array

The tag options in terms of name-value pairs. These will be rendered as the attributes of the resulting tag. There are also a special options:

  • tag: string, tag to be rendered, by default 'span' is used.
  • prefix: string, prefix which should be used to compose tag class, by default 'glyphicon glyphicon-' is used.
return string

Icon HTML.

                public static function icon($name, $options = [])
    $tag = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'tag', 'span');
    $classPrefix = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'prefix', 'glyphicon glyphicon-');
    static::addCssClass($options, $classPrefix . $name);
    return static::tag($tag, '', $options);

radioList() public static method (available since version 2.0.8)

public static void radioList ( $name, $selection null, $items = [], $options = [] )

                public static function radioList($name, $selection = null, $items = [], $options = [])
    if (!isset($options['item'])) {
        $itemOptions = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'itemOptions', []);
        $encode = ArrayHelper::getValue($options, 'encode', true);
        $options['item'] = function ($index, $label, $name, $checked, $value) use ($itemOptions, $encode) {
            $options = array_merge([
                'label' => $encode ? static::encode($label) : $label,
                'value' => $value
            ], $itemOptions);
            return '<div class="radio">' . static::radio($name, $checked, $options) . '</div>';
    return parent::radioList($name, $selection, $items, $options);

staticControl() public static method

Renders Bootstrap static form control.

By default value will be HTML-encoded using encode(), you may control this behavior via 'encode' option.

See also

public static string staticControl ( $value, $options = [] )
$value string

Static control value.

$options array

The tag options in terms of name-value pairs. These will be rendered as the attributes of the resulting tag. There are also a special options:

  • encode: bool, whether value should be HTML-encoded or not.
return string

Generated HTML

                public static function staticControl($value, $options = [])
    static::addCssClass($options, 'form-control-static');
    $value = (string) $value;
    if (isset($options['encode'])) {
        $encode = $options['encode'];
    } else {
        $encode = true;
    return static::tag('p', $encode ? static::encode($value) : $value, $options);