Class yii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc

Inheritanceyii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc » yii\base\BaseObject
Subclassesyii\apidoc\models\ClassDoc, yii\apidoc\models\ConstDoc, yii\apidoc\models\EventDoc, yii\apidoc\models\FunctionDoc, yii\apidoc\models\InterfaceDoc, yii\apidoc\models\MethodDoc, yii\apidoc\models\PropertyDoc, yii\apidoc\models\TraitDoc, yii\apidoc\models\TypeDoc
Available since extension's version2.0
Source Code

Base class for API documentation information.

Public Methods

Hide inherited methods

Method Description Defined By
__construct() yii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc
extractFirstSentence() Extracts first sentence out of text yii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc
getFirstTag() Get the first tag of a given name yii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc
getPackageName() Returns the Composer package for this type, if it can be determined from $sourceFile. yii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc
hasTag() Checks if doc has tag of a given name yii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc
removeTag() Removes tag of a given name yii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc

Protected Methods

Hide inherited methods

Method Description Defined By
mbUcFirst() Multibyte version of ucfirst() yii\apidoc\models\BaseDoc

Property Details

Hide inherited properties

$deprecatedReason public property
public $deprecatedReason null
$deprecatedSince public property
public $deprecatedSince null
$description public property
public $description null
$endLine public property
public $endLine null
$name public property
public $name null
$phpDocContext public property
public \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Context $phpDocContext null
$shortDescription public property
public $shortDescription null
$shortName public property
public $shortName null
$since public property
public $since null
$sourceFile public property
public $sourceFile null
$startLine public property
public $startLine null
$tags public property
public \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag[] $tags = []

Method Details

Hide inherited methods

__construct() public method

public void __construct ( $reflector null, $context null, $config = [] )
$reflector \phpDocumentor\Reflection\Php\Class_
$context yii\apidoc\models\Context
$config array

                public function __construct($reflector = null, $context = null, $config = [])
    if ($reflector === null) {
    // base properties
    $this->name = ltrim((string) $reflector->getFqsen(), '\\');
    $separator = strrpos($this->name, '::');
    if ($separator !== false) {
        $this->shortName = substr($this->name, $separator + 2);
    $this->startLine = $reflector->getLocation()->getLineNumber();
    //$this->endLine = $reflector->getNode()->getAttribute('endLine');
    $docblock = $reflector->getDocBlock();
    if ($docblock !== null) {
        $this->shortDescription = StringHelper::mb_ucfirst($docblock->getSummary());
        if (empty($this->shortDescription) && !($this instanceof PropertyDoc) && $context !== null && $docblock->getTagsByName('inheritdoc') === null) {
            $context->warnings[] = [
                'line' => $this->startLine,
                'file' => $this->sourceFile,
                'message' => "No short description for " . substr(StringHelper::basename(get_class($this)), 0, -3) . " '{$this->name}'",
        $this->description = $docblock->getDescription()->render();
        $this->phpDocContext = $docblock->getContext();
        $this->tags = $docblock->getTags();
        foreach ($this->tags as $i => $tag) {
            if ($tag instanceof Since) {
                $this->since = $tag->getVersion();
            } elseif ($tag instanceof Deprecated) {
                $this->deprecatedSince = $tag->getVersion();
                $this->deprecatedReason = $tag->getDescription();
        if ($this->shortDescription === '{@inheritdoc}') {
            // Mock up parsing of '{@inheritdoc}' (in brackets) tag, which is not yet supported at "phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock" 2.x
            // todo consider removal in case of "phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock" upgrade
            $this->tags[] = new Generic('inheritdoc');
            $this->shortDescription = '';
    } elseif ($context !== null) {
        $context->warnings[] = [
            'line' => $this->startLine,
            'file' => $this->sourceFile,
            'message' => "No docblock for element '{$this->name}'",

extractFirstSentence() public static method

Extracts first sentence out of text

public static string extractFirstSentence ( $text )
$text string

                public static function extractFirstSentence($text)
    if (mb_strlen($text, 'utf-8') > 4 && ($pos = mb_strpos($text, '.', 4, 'utf-8')) !== false) {
        $sentence = mb_substr($text, 0, $pos + 1, 'utf-8');
        if (mb_strlen($text, 'utf-8') >= $pos + 3) {
            $abbrev = mb_substr($text, $pos - 1, 4, 'utf-8');
            if ($abbrev === 'e.g.' || $abbrev === 'i.e.') { // do not break sentence after abbreviation
                $sentence .= static::extractFirstSentence(mb_substr($text, $pos + 1, mb_strlen($text, 'utf-8'), 'utf-8'));
        return $sentence;
    return $text;

getFirstTag() public method (available since version 2.0.5)

Get the first tag of a given name

public \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag|null getFirstTag ( $name )
$name string

Tag name.

return \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag|null

Tag instance, null if not found.

                public function getFirstTag($name)
    foreach ($this->tags as $i => $tag) {
        if (strtolower($tag->getName()) == $name) {
            return $this->tags[$i];
    return null;

getPackageName() public method (available since version 2.1.3)

Returns the Composer package for this type, if it can be determined from $sourceFile.

public string|null getPackageName ( )

                public function getPackageName()
    if (!$this->sourceFile || !preg_match('/\/vendor\/([\w\-]+\/[\w\-]+)/', $this->sourceFile, $match)) {
        return null;
    return $match[1];

hasTag() public method

Checks if doc has tag of a given name

public boolean hasTag ( $name )
$name string

Tag name

return boolean

If doc has tag of a given name

                public function hasTag($name)
    foreach ($this->tags as $tag) {
        if (strtolower($tag->getName()) == $name) {
            return true;
    return false;

mbUcFirst() protected static method (available since version 2.0.6)

Multibyte version of ucfirst()

protected static void mbUcFirst ( $string )

                protected static function mbUcFirst($string)
    $firstChar = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($string, 0, 1, 'utf-8'), 'utf-8');
    return $firstChar . mb_substr($string, 1, mb_strlen($string, 'utf-8'), 'utf-8');

removeTag() public method

Removes tag of a given name

public void removeTag ( $name )
$name string

                public function removeTag($name)
    foreach ($this->tags as $i => $tag) {
        if (strtolower($tag->getName()) == $name) {