yii2-phone-validator Yii2 Phone validator wrapper on top of PhoneNumberUtil library also used by Android devices


  1. Installation with Composer
  2. Configuration
  3. Advanced

on Github. Yii2 phone validator is a validator uses phone number util to validate and format the phone number attribute of model.

How to use?

Installation with Composer

Just add the line under require object in your composer.json file. ~~~ { "require": {

"udokmeci/yii2-phone-validator" : "dev-master"

} } ~~~ then run

$> composer update


Now add following in to your model rules.

Note: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes are required for country attribute. You can use db-regions for countries list.
     * @inheritdoc
    public function rules()
        return [
          [['name', 'country'], 'string', 'max' => 50],
          // add this line
          [['phone'], 'udokmeci\yii2PhoneValidator\PhoneValidator'],


The country and country_code attributes are tried if country or countryAttribute is not specified.

// All phones will be controlled according to Turkey and formatted to TR Phone Number
  [['phone'], 'udokmeci\yii2PhoneValidator\PhoneValidator','country'=>'TR'],// 

  //All phones will be controlled according to value of $model->country_code
  [['phone'], 'udokmeci\yii2PhoneValidator\PhoneValidator','countryAttribute'=>'country_code'],

  //All phones will be controlled according to value of $model->country_code
  //If model has not a country attribute then phone will not be validated
  //If phone is a valid one will be formatted for International Format. default behavior.
  [['phone'], 'udokmeci\yii2PhoneValidator\PhoneValidator','countryAttribute'=>'country_code','strict'=>false,'format'=>true],  

Any forks are welcome.

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Yii Version: 2.0
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: Validation
Developed by: ugurdokmeci
Created on: Mar 10, 2015
Last updated: 10 years ago

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