yii2-newsletter Creating Dynamic Email Content for YII2

  1. Purpose
  2. Benefit
  3. Requirements
  4. Installation
  5. Usage


  • As we all use email templates into website; here's the best solution which we all can try and can have easy outcomes.
  • It would provide a feel of using CMS.

  • This module is used for creating a dynamic email template for different events like REGISTRATION, FORGOT PASSWORD, LOGIN, etc.
  • If there are any changes into template's content then website Admin have to goto the developer to change the content. By using this website Admin can manage the content by themselves.
  • Newsletter template also have a Active-Inactive facility for enable or disable template.


  • Non technical users can also use it.
  • Reduces production time.


  • Yii 2.0


1) Download file and unzip it into your application's vendor folder.

2) Add below code in your "\vendor\yiisoft\extensions.php" file.

'yii2-newsletter' =>
 array (
  'name' => 'yii2-newsletter',
  'version' => '9999999-dev',
  'alias' => 
   array (
     '@saurabhd/newsletter' => $vendorDir . '/yii2-newsletter'

3) For Basic Template, add below code in module section of "config\web.php" file.

For Advanced Template, add below code in module section of "config\main.php" file.

'newsletter' => [
          'class' => 'saurabhd\newsletter\Module',

4) For Basic Template, add below code in component section of "config\web.php" file.

For Advanced Template, add below code in component section of "config\main.php" file.

'tools' => [
          'class' => 'saurabhd\newsletter\components\Tools',

5) Go to the project root directory and run the below command in terminal:-

$ php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/yii2-newsletter/migrations
$ yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/yii2-newsletter/migrations


1) For Basic Template, add the below code for menu control in item array of 'views\layouts\main.php'

        ['label' => 'Newsletter', 'url' => ['/newsletter/newsletter-template']],
        ['label' => 'Event', 'url' => ['/newsletter/event-template']],
        ['label' => 'EventNewsletter', 'url' => ['/newsletter/event-newsletter-template']],	

For Advanced Template, add the below code for menu control in 'views\layouts\main.php'

        $menuItems[] =[
            'label' => 'Event',
            'url' => ['/newsletter/event-template']];
        $menuItems[] =[
            'label' => 'Newsletter',
            'url' => ['/newsletter/newsletter-template']];

        $menuItems[] =[
            'label' => 'eventNewsletter',
            'url' => ['/newsletter/event-newsletter-template']];	

2) Use as the following where you want to send email:- In Controller,

        // arrParams array contains eventtype same as the event_template table event type
        // repacement array used for variables which you want to replace dynamically from your content
        $arrParams = array('eventtype' => 'FORGOT_PASSWORD',   //event-type same as event_template table field
               'replacement' => array('##USERNAME##' => 'testUser',
                                      '##USEREMAIL##' => 'testUser@gmail.com',

        $emaildetails = Yii::$app->tools->getTemplateDetails($arrParams); //call the getTemplateDetails function of Tools component of emailtemplate module 

        if(!empty($emaildetails)) {
            $subject = $emaildetails['subject'];
            $view = $emaildetails['view'];
            $user = 'testUser@gmail.com';
        else {
          //put your deafult code of the email parameters   

Hey guys, please feel free to revert back with any feedback or queries. Suggestions are always welcomed!!!

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Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: Mail
Developed by: Saurabh Dhariwal
Created on: Jan 11, 2016
Last updated: 9 years ago


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