yii2-language-url-manager Parses and creates URLs containing languages

Language Url Manager

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Tests
  4. For I18N support, take a look at

Build Status Coverage Status

Parses and creates URLs containing languages


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require --prefer-dist cetver/yii2-language-url-manager

or add

"cetver/yii2-language-url-manager": "^1.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Update the web-application configuration file

return [
    'components' => [
        'urlManager' => [
            'class' => 'cetver\LanguageUrlManager\UrlManager',
            'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
            'showScriptName' => false,
             * The list of available languages.
            'languages' => ['en', 'ru'],
            'languages' => function () {
                return \app\models\Language::find()->select('code')->column();
             * - true: processes the URL like "en.example.com"
             * - false: processes the URL like "example.com/en"
             * NOTE: If this property set to true, the domain containing a language, must be the first on the left side,
             * for example:
             * - en.it.example.com - is valid
             * - it.en.example.com - is invalid
            'existsLanguageSubdomain' => false,
             * The regular expression patterns list, applied to path info, if there are matches, the request,
             * containing a language, will not be processed.
             * For performance reasons, the blacklist does not applied for URL creation (Take a look at an example).
             * @see \yii\web\Request::getPathInfo()
             * An example:
             * ~~~php
             * [
             *     '/^api.*$/'
             * ]
             * ~~~
             * - Requesting the blacklisted URL
             *   - $existsLanguageSubdomain = true
             *     - en.example.com/api (404 Not Found)
             *     - en.example.com/api/create (404 Not Found)
             *   - $existsLanguageSubdomain = false
             *     - example.com/en/api (404 Not Found)
             *     - example.com/en/api/create (404 Not Found)
             * - Creating the blacklisted URL
             *   - echo \yii\helpers\Html::a('API', ['api/index', Yii::$app->urlManager->queryParam => null]);
            'blacklist' => [],
             * The query parameter name that contains a language.
            'queryParam' => 'language'


Run the following commands

composer create-project --prefer-source cetver/yii2-language-url-manager
cd yii2-language-url-manager
vendor/bin/codecept run unit

For I18N support, take a look at

2 0
1 follower
Yii Version: 2.0
License: BSD-2-Clause
Category: Others
Developed by: c3tv3r
Created on: Jul 19, 2017
Last updated: 7 years ago

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