Introduction ¶
Extension library to interact with Google Places API
Installation ¶
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run ~~~ php composer.phar require "2amigos/yii2-google-places-library" "*" ~~~
or add
"2amigos/yii2-google-places-library" : "*"
to the require section of your application's composer.json
Usage ¶
Using Search
$search = new Search(['key' => '{YOURGOOGLEAPIKEY}']);
// $this->format = 'xml'; // if you wish to handle XML responses (JSON is highly recommended)
// If you setup the format in 'xml', the returned value will be an array.
// The library will decode the response automatically
var_dump($search->text('restaurants in Inca Mallorca'));
Using Place
$place = new Place(['key' => '{YOURGOOGLEAPIKEY}']);
// if you wish to handle XML responses (JSON is highly recommended)
// $this->format = 'xml';
For further information, check out the great tutorial about geolocation and google places using this library on TutsPlus
Resources ¶
web development has never been so fun
how to view the all 60 results
Thanks for the above code.
I have a doubt...
I want to see the all 60 results throgh this yii what I tried(below code) is not working.
$key = 'mykey'; $search = new Search(['key' => $key]); $res1 = $search->text('Dance Class in Pune'); if(isset($res1['next_page_token'])) { //1 >> using yii //$res2 = $search->text($params=['pagetoken'=>$res1['next_page_token'] ]); //print_r($res2);
//other method
echo $placeDetailsURL = ''.$res1['next_page_token'].'&key='.$key; $placeDetailsContent =file_get_contents($placeDetailsURL); $placeDetails = json_decode($placeDetailsContent); if ($placeDetails->status == "OK") print_r($placeDetails); else echo "no result";
what is wrong with my code please help.
If you have any questions, please ask in the forum instead.
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