yii2-beanstalk Yii2 beanstalkd web and console component

  1. How to use?
  2. Source
  3. To Do

Yii2 beanstalkd web and console component which is an interface on the top of pda/pheanstalk. Thanks Paul Annesley for such a complete work.

How to use?

Installation with Composer

Just add the line under require object in your composer.json file. ~~~ [javascript] { "require": {

"udokmeci/yii2-beanstalk" : "dev-master"

} } ~~~ then run

$> composer update

Now add following in to your main and console configuration under components

            'class' => 'udokmeci\yii2beanstalk\Beanstalk',
            'host'=> "", // default host
            'port'=>11300, //default port
            'connectTimeout'=> 1,
            'sleep' => false, // or int for usleep after every job 

Now add following in to your console configuration only.

'params' => $params
// add you controller with name and class name next to params.
'controllerMap' => [
            'class' => 'app\commands\WorkerController',


Now if everthing is ok. You run ~beandstalkd~ and access to controller like

        ->putInTube('tube', $mixedData ,$priority,$delay);

$mixedData is added on v1.0 for complex usage. Anything else then string will be send as json format. So you can sent anything within it suppoted by json.


for worker it also has a built in controller which runs an infinite loop and wait for new jobs. Most of the work is done in BeanstalkController . All you have to do is to create a controller and action like below.


Create an controller under your commands folder. Give the name anything you want to it and extend your controller from udokmeci\yii2beanstalk\BeanstalkController

namespace app\commands;

use udokmeci\yii2beanstalk\BeanstalkController;
use yii\helpers\Console;
use Yii;

class WorkerController extends BeanstalkController
  public function listenTubes(){
    return ["tube"];

	public function actionTube($job){
	    $sentData = $job->getData();
	    try {
    	   // something useful here
           if($everthingIsAllRight == true){
                fwrite(STDOUT, Console::ansiFormat("- Everything is allright"."\n", [Console::FG_GREEN]));
                return self::DELETE; //Deletes the job from beanstalkd
           fwrite(STDOUT, Console::ansiFormat("- Not everything is allright!!!"."\n", [Console::FG_GREEN]));
           return self::DELAY; //Delays the job for later try
           // if you return anything else job is released.
	    } catch (\Exception $e) {
            //If there is anything to do.
            fwrite(STDERR, Console::ansiFormat($e."\n", [Console::FG_RED]));
            return self::DELETE;
Running Worker

Running console is the easiest. Run ./yii Your controller ~~~ ./yii worker ~~~


The source code can be found at GitHub Repo

Any contribution are welcome.

To Do

Demo of email message queue. Better Handling with mysql database gone away error.

1 0
Yii Version: 2.0
License: MIT
Category: Others
Developed by: ugurdokmeci
Created on: Jan 15, 2015
Last updated: 10 years ago

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