yii-soundcloud-player-widget Yii Framework widget to embed Soundcloud Player Widget into your web apps.

  1. Project Home
  2. Changelog
  3. Requirements
  4. Instalation
  5. Examples
  6. Feedback

This is a simple widget to embed the Soundcloud.com html5 Player widget into your yii web apps.

The widget is able to embed, single or multi soundcloud urls. Either User profile, Groups, Playlists or Tracks direct link. (see below)

Project Home


  • 0.0.3
    1. Code optimization
  • 0.0.2
    1. Added devel parameter to print out or not, the cURL and Soundcloud API errors
    2. Cache support for high-traffic web apps and Soundcloud api polite usage :) params cache and cacheTime (see Full Parameters Example for usage)
  • 0.0.1
    1. Initial Release


  • PHP >= 5.x with cURL extension
  • Yii 1.1.12 (Should work with lower versions, but not tested)


  1. Copy yiiSoundcloudPlayerWidget.php into your /protected/extensions/
  2. Inside your View file call the widget! :)


Minimal Parameters Single Url
<?php $this->widget('ext.yiisoundcloudplayerwidget', array(           
    'url' => 'http://www.soundcloud.com/cutloosemusic'  // you can put here a profile, 
                                                        // group, playlist or track url
Minimal Parameters Multi Url
<?php $this->widget('ext.yiisoundcloudplayerwidget', array(           
    'url' => array('http://www.soundcloud.com/cutloosemusic', // this is a profile
        "http://soundcloud.com/hybrid-species/she-wants-revenge-take-the" // this a direct link to a track
Full Parameters
<?php $this->widget('ext.yiisoundcloudplayerwidget', array(
    'devel'         => false,      // default is true. if true all curl and api errors 
                                   // will be printed out, if any.
    'cache'         => false,      // default is true. will use Yii cache system.
    'cacheTime'     => 600,        //default is 300 (seconds). to keep data in cache server.
    'maxwidth'      => 50,         // default I believe is 100. maxwidth in px.
    'maxheight'     => 305,        // default is 81 for tracks and 305 for all others.
    'color'         => 'ffaa66',   // default is Soundcloud color. hex triplet for player 
                                   //primary color.
    'auto_play'     => false,      // default is false.                
    'show_comments' => false,      // default is true. TimeBased comments on waveform.
    'iframe'        => true,       // default is true => html5 player. false => old Adobe Flash player.        
    'url' => array('http://www.soundcloud.com/cutloosemusic', // this is a profile
        "http://soundcloud.com/hybrid-species/she-wants-revenge-take-the" // this a direct link to a track


If you have improvements, feature requests or simply found a bug please visit the widget github page and open an issue!